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may 1859

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may 1859

(warning, this chapter is gonna be a lot of just sex so if u dont wanna read it, then wait til the next chapter)

"God, lookin' back on it makes me want ta crawl in a hole an' die." John's muffled voice sounded from beneath the many pillows that he had buried himself face-down in.

"Would ye stop whinin'?" Ringo rolled his eyes from the spot on his desk, where he was writing a letter to his auntie about something - but John wasn't really worried about that at the moment. John let out a groan and rolled over onto his back, sprawled out on Ringo's large bed, training his troubled gaze on the peach-coloured ceiling above. "It wasn't tha' bloody bad. Sounds like Paul is down fer it."

"I know, but I really like..." He trailed off, licking his lips as he fought for the right words. The memory of getting so caught up in his fantasies and Paul's utter confusion in his face popped into his mind, causing him to roll back onto his stomach and bury his head in his arms. "I am so shit at communicatin' what I want sometimes!" He let out a half-outcry, half-chuckle as he slowly sat back up, resting his back against the bed's headboard.

"Ye got that right." Ringo let out a laugh, turning around on his chair so he was sitting on it backwards, resting his forearms on the top and smirking down at his best friend. "Look, 'm sure 's gonna be fine. 's not yer first time," he paused.

"It is for Paul though." John cut in with a raise of an eyebrow. "With a man, at least."

"True. But from what ye told me he said, 'm sure it's gonna be fine. I wish ye luck, mate." Ringo smiled more warmly this time, lifting a leg and nudging John's leg with his foot; which was dangling off the edge of the bed.

"Thanks. 'm dead scared, but if it goes well..." He trailed off, thoughts of what could transpire that night - when the two planned to do it - clouding his mind and causing his cheeks to go beet red and eyes widen.

"Ugh, I don't wanna hear anymore." Ringo mocked disgust with a laugh, before standing up, folding up the letter he wrote. "C'mon, gotta post this. Let's go off to the pub fer a few after, eh? Not enough to get hammered, though," he watched John hop off the bed with a joyful grin, whacking his back with a smirk. "gotta make sure ye remember this night!"

"Christ, pack it, would ya?" John's cheeks somehow flushed even more and he pushed Ringo off him with a roll of his eyes. "Yer never gonna let me forget this."

"Trust me, I won't."

"George's gonna hear about it too, won't 'e? An' he's gonna tell every single person we know ever an' he'll haunt me dreams fer all eternity?"

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