At Home, on the couch. Date: 11/1/14 Time: 12am

Oh woe is me. I am in high school now and not speaking to Shaun fucking Flynn because I don’t  even know why,  for fucks sake I think we both gave up on each other for some shitty ass reason. Wade is at Canius high school and is mostly out of my fucking life. But unfortunately Kyle dumbass Grupp sits next to my best friend Mackenzie (Kenzie), so whenever I go over to her seat with my other friend Ally its really awkward, cuz sometimes I talk about guys and he looks at me really weird but he goes over to my seat where his friends are {Aka Kyle Irwin, Justin Basile and Ryan Allshouse} so I think we should just switch seats but I do get along with Kyle Irwin pretty well and I let Justin copy off me so that’s all good. Kyle G copies off of Ryan A, who copies off of Kyle I. who copies off of Justin which leads back to me and my answers, so I have to be right or they are “mad” at me, aka ignoring me and not including random conversations that I have no clue what they are about but still are funny as fuck. And its fun to just randomly flirt with Kyle Irwin just like in 6th grade. But then there’s Bill…gaaaaahh there is so much shit there I don’t even know where to start, first the fact that he has girlfriend at North, that nobody has met but he “loves”, but yet he still flirts his ass of with anything that has the female anatomy. He makes sexual comments every minute unless he gets mad; the shit hit’s the fan when he gets mad and it’s really weird about how I am the only one who really pisses him off but can make him laugh his ass off at the same time. gahhh fuckk this shit. Later losers.

Still on the fucking couch. Date: 11/2/14 Time: 1:11am

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