Computer desk dumbass. Date: 11/26/14 Time: 4:07pm

Hello love, how are you? Well I am bi…which means my sexuality is a two way street. Haha but really I have a girlfriend!! My best friend Lena, who is bad-girl who is awesome and always there for me. So much love!! Gah what will I tell Sonia? I’ll just be honest…okay I gotta go call her ttyl. So I called her and such. She was really accepting and what-not so ye. But idk if still like Lena anymore because she is texting her ex which bothers me to the absolute max.  Sonia slept over and we hung out all day but Sonia just made plans with Taylor and Desiree to go to the karaoke bar. Well, I hate Desiree now, because her entire family hates me too… so blehhhh, I really wanna cut right now so fuckk. Oh whale. Later biotch.

On the couch. Date: 11/27/14 Time : 7:10pm

P.S Fuck trying to get along with people and shit.

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