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It was finally October 31. My favorite day, next to Christmas. 

My history teacher told us people dressed up on this day starting in the 2,000's in order to keep from being affected by the spirits who surfaced only on this day every year. They believed that at the end of the year, the line between the living and the dead became blurred. They associated the darkness and cold weather that came with Fall and Winter with death. 

My parents let Alyssa and I go trick-or-treating by ourselves. Yes, I know we're in highschool. Yes, I know trick-or-treating is for little kids. Who would pass up candy though? This was the first Halloween I spent without Kara. Alyssa dressed up as Alice from Alice in Wonderland. She has naturally blonde and straight hair, so she didn't need to buy a wig like most people do. She wore bright red lipstick and simple white sparkly eyeshadow. I decided to be an evil fairy. I wore a short black dress. The bottom of the skirt portion was a frilly grey material. I wore a pair of black wings with an elegant design woven into them. A pair of black fishnet tights covered my legs, and my feet rested comfortably in a pair of simple black flats. I wore heavy black eyeliner, black lipstick, and grey/white eyeshadow. We walked around for what seemed like an hour. 

We were about a mile from my house when Alyssa asked me if I wanted to take a slight detour. 

"Where are we going?", I asked

"You'll see", she said in her mischievous voice

Knowing Alyssa, this has to be good. 

She began sprinting down the sidewalk. I followed closely behind, making sure not to run into any street lamps along the way.  

After a few minutes of sprinting down the dark sidewalk, we came to the driveway of a house. I could tell there were a lot of people inside. The two story house must have had every possible light inside switched on. The driveway was almost overflowing with cars. 

"What is this?", I asked

"We were invited yesterday by somebody at school. I wasn't really planning on coming, but it seems a lot more fun than walking around in the cold collecting candy all night"

She did have a point. What would my parents say if they found out, though? Alyssa and I were supposed to be home before midnight. It was already 9 p.m.

"Alyssa-", I began

"Oh c'mon. I promise we will be back before curfew. It will be fun", she whined as she bat her eyelashes at me

"Fine. As long as we're back in time and don't get caught", I sighed

We made our way up the 5 porch steps and walked to the front door. The regular doorbell ring had been replaced to sound like a witch laughing. A boy about my age, which is 15 years old, answered the door. He was dressed as Batman. He motioned for us to walk inside. Alyssa casually stepped inside like she lived here. I made sure to follow behind her. Teenagers were everywhere. Even a few I was sure were legal adults. Some were playing pool, some were dancing, and of course there were already a few couples making out on the couch. 

Not even an hour in to the party, Alyssa had disappeard from sight. Where the heck was she? I had no idea where I was or who these people were. After what seemed like hours but was actually 5 minutes, I saw a familiar face. It was the boy dressed like Batman who had answered the door earlier. He didn't seem to be busy, so I introduced myself.

"Hi, I'm Alexandrea, but you can call me Lexi. What's your name?"

He looked down and muttered something I couldn't make out.

"What was that?" I asked. 

"My name is Jason," he replied. 

His dark brown eyes seemed to be glued to the ground. His black hair shined in the glowing lights. He was about 5'8 and seemed moderately fit. I have to admit, he was pretty attractive. 

"So why haven't I seen you at school, Jason?", I asked

He just shrugged. Still not looking up. I was about to say something else when Alyssa suddenly popped out of nowhere. 

"We have to leave!", she gasped.

I looked at the time. It was already 11:30! It would take us at least 20 minutes to get back to my house, and that's if we sprint. Alyssa grabbed my hand and ran for the door. We stomped down the steps and sprinted down the driveway and began our long journey down the dark sidewalk. We made sure to dodge the small children still Trick-or-Treating with their parents. After 15 minutes, we arrived back at my house, panting and coughing. We used those 5 extra minutes to catch our breath and fix our costumes. Alyssa and I walked into the livingroom to see my parents and Alyssa's parents sitting around the table eating chips. 

"Hi, girls. Where have you been?", Alyssa's mother asked.

"Just trick-or-treating", I replied

"Oh, really? Where are your bags?"

Crap. I didn't realize until now that we had left our bags at the party. How was I going to weasle my way out of this one?

My thoughts were interrupted by a quick reply made by Alyssa.

"We gave all our candy to some kids who spilled theirs in the road. They certainly value it more than we do", she replied calmly

"That's so sweet of you two", my mother chimed, "Now go change and get cleaned up. We made some snacks and drinks for when you two came home"

I can't believe we just got away with that

 Alyssa and I exchanged myschevious smiles as we made our way up the stairs to my room. We both changed into a pair of comfy pajamas, washed off our makeup, brushed our teeth, and headed back downstairs. We spent the rest of the night watching scary movies before bed. Alyssa and her parents went home, so I walked up to my room and drifted into sleep.

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