Another day in this new place

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It has been about a month since we got here. The third week of school was better than the first. I actually had people to talk to. Alyssa and I have become pretty close. Not as close as Kara and I, but still close. We had a "sleep over" the other night. Can it stll be called that when not much sleeping happened? We stayed awake most of the night listening to music and walking outside. My neighborhood is a million times safer than my old one. I couldn't walk the streets alone at night in New York, but in North Carolina, I can walk a mile by myself without fear. 

My room was finally finished. My walls were purple with white trim. My bed spread was purple with small white swirls all over. My furniture was just plain white. I made sure to plaster Ronnie Radke's pictures all over my room. It just wasn't complete without HIM. My mom rolled her eyes when I first brought the pictures home, but hey, it's my room isn't it? 

My parents had finally given me a new laptop to replace my ancient one. It was kind of a "Sorry we took you miles away from almost all your friends and family, so here's a computer" gift. Hey, I wasn't complaining. Just being observant of the "convinience" of it.

I hadn't had any serious problems with Kathy yet. There was the occasional "Hey, new girl" followed by some words of sarcasm. I was glad this was the only thing she had occasionally said to me. According to Alyssa, she's vicious. She made one girl so miserable she changed schools. Apparently, Kathy thinks she's the queen of the school. I wish someone would put her in her place already. Even though I didn't care for Kathy, I did not dare to feed the fire by acknowledging her. I had to learn to just let it go if I wanted my repuation to stay safe. Trust me, there has been times when I've wanted to stand up and put her in her place myself, but Alyssa always stopped me. She's been in this town long enough to know how it works. She was just looking out for me. I'm glad I have someone like that to guide me through these things. Things here were so much different than New York. I just had to make sense of it all... and soon.


So, I had serious writer's block with this chapter, but it's finally up :)

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