First day of school

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Why does 6 a.m. come so early? I rolled out of bed and managed to stumble to the bathroom. I combed my long brown hair until I had overpowered to evil powers of "bed head." I pulled my dark brown hair back with a head band so I could wash my face. I debated on whether putting on powder would make a difference on my sun kissed skin. My family and I decided to go on a weekend beach trip before school started. It was just my parents, my brother, and I. My brother is 12 years old. At times, the only words I can use to describe him are: evil little troll. My mom and I are kind of close, but sometimes she's clueless about my life. My dad is too busy with work to be concerned with how I'm doing. He didn't used to always be this way. Ever since he got this new job, it's just work, work, and more work. No family time. Even at the beach it was a struggle to pull him away from his laptop for more than an hour at a time. 

The kitchen was chaotic. Every one was trying to scarf down their breakfast all at once. We all had places to be. My brother and I were going to school. Not at the same place. He was still in middle school. I was going to North Ridge High School. My mom had some houses to show today. My dad had a big conference with his boss and the CEO of the company. We barely had time to exchange words before my my parents each sped off in their cars and my brother and I had to walk to the bus stop. Yes, even though we were at different schools, we rode the same bus. At least it was only for 15 minutes. 


The squeal of the tires signaled that the bus was down the street. My brother and I were already waiting by its stop. A large yellow school bus with "Wilkenson County Schools" writting in black on the side pulled up in front of us. The driver was an older man with white hair. My brother and I decided to sit at the front of the bus. Hey, we didn't know anyone else yet. We just sat at the first available spot. I rested my head on the cold window beside me. I stared at the passing cars going the same direction. My brother pulled out his Nintendo DS to play Pokemon. See why I don't like being seen with him? He's always doing lame little brother things. 

We finally pulled up to his middle school. North Ridge Middle School. He didn't even bother to say bye. He just gathered his backpack and jacket and got off the bus. At least I finally had the seat to myself. I was only 5 minutes from my school now. 

We finally pulled up to North Ridge High School. It seemed to be a fairly large school. It had 2 floors, a football field, a pool for the swim team, and a track field. The bus dropped us off at the sidewalk just a couple feet from the entrance. 

The first thing I did was find somewhere to sit. There were a few picnic tables by the entrance. I looked at my schedule. Great. Math first. This was going to be a long day. 

I didn't really talk to anyone during Math. I didn't really know what to say. Math isn't my best subject. Next was English. Now this I could handle. We started off talking about the best books we have read and what their meanings are. The teacher then split us into partners to get to know each other better. I was paired with a girl named Alyssa. She had moved here last year from Oregon. She shared with me the secrets of who to avoid. 

"Avoid Kathy's whole group" she warned, "They will rip you to shreds if they feel threatened"

This day was just getting better and better. First I start the day off with math, then I have to fear a certain group of girls. 

I spent about 30 minutes just reading the notes on the bathroom stalls. 

"Jenny is a slut"

"Carmen= loser"

"Ask Kayla her about her alcoholic father"

I don't understand how people can be mean enough to write these on a bathroom stall. I finally had enough and decided to leave. I made it through the rest of the day ok. Alyssa and I ate lunch together and exchanged numbers. It was nice to finally have a friend in this place. When the day was over, I rode the same bus home.

Of course when I got home my dad was knee deep in paperwork he had to fill out and my mom was on the phone with her sister telling her about the real estate here compared to New York. I fixed myself a plate of chopped up cucumber and went to my room to work on homework. My room wasn't finished, but at least we have the furniture in. I have a white bed frame with matching white furniture. My bed sheets are light purple, which will soon also be the color of my walls. I hadn't gotten a chance to hang pictures. I had a small one of Kara and I at the Statue of Liberty sitting on my desk. 

We just ate leftovers for dinner. My brother, Drew, had so many stories to tell about school. I didn't have many. Who wants to tell their parents about the mean stuff they read in the bathroom stall? Or how they only made one friend? 

Hopefully I would have a better day tomorrow

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