The next day...

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"Why is everyone staring at me?", I asked myself. Everyone's eyes seemed to be glued to me. I've already checked my teeth 5 times this class period. Nothing. I showered and brushed my teeth this morning. Maybe I'm just being paranoid for no reason. It's probably nothing. 

The loud chime of the bell sounded. It was nice to leave that feeling of having at least one set of eyes on me every second. I met up with Alyssa by her locker.

"Have you seen anyone... staring at me?", I asked.

"No?", she replied

"I could have sworn everyone was staring at me during English"

"Stop being so paranoid, Lexi. I'm sure it's nothing"

That temporarily calmed my nerves. I could still feel an eye or two on me, though. Alyssa and I walked to the courtyard during lunch like we always do. 

"So where did you run off to last night", I asked her

"Oh, no where", she replied with a mischevious grin on her face. Her cheeks turning red as a rose.

"Seriously, Lyssa! You left me there alone forever. Where were you?" 

"Don't worry about it, Lexi. Calm the hell down. It's not important right now, so drop it"

Her eyes became like daggers. Her voice cut through my soul.

She was starting to sound angry. I took the hint and shut up. We sat in silence for about 5 minutes when my attention was drawn to the fountain in the court yard for some reason. A bunch of ape-looking guys were standing in a circle. They look like clones in their matching jock jackets. It didn't take long for other students to start crowding as well. Alyssa didn't seem to be in the mood to speak to me at the moment, so I got up to see what was going on. I pushed my tiny body through the crowd of apes jumping and hollering. The linebacker was beating the life out of a kid half his size. His skin bruised, his black hair almost covered in traces of school food, his brown eyes weling up with tears. That's when I realized, that's Jason, the kid from the party.

I pushed my way through the front line and into the circle. There was me: 5'1, long brown hair, 90 pounds, standing in front of a 6'3, 300 pound linebacker. 

The second the giant's buddies got a sight of me, they pulled him back. 

"You can't hit a girl!", they screamed at him

He finally just snorted, spit, and walked off. A few teachers had finally decided to show up AFTER the fight had ended. 

"Are you ok?" I asked Jason

"Leave me alone. Haven't you already done enough?" He said between held back sobs

 The school nurse ran out to forcefully dress his wounds. The gym teacher carried him into the nurse's office to lay him down. After checking to make sure everything was ok, she left him alone to rest while she called his parents. I crept into the nurse's office. 

"How are you feeling?", I asked

He just rolled his eyes.

"You remember me, don't you?"

"Yeah, you're the girl from the party who talked to me all of 5 minutes before running off with your barbie doll friend. Just so you know, I didn't even want to be there. My brother dragged me along."

"Well the least you can do is say thank you. I saved you from being pumbled by that boulder"

"Oh, I'm sorry, thank you for humiliating me in front of the whole school. Thank you for making people think I need a little girl fighting my battles for me. Thank you for ruining what repuation I have."

"What the hell is wrong with you!" I yelled.

Suddenly, the nurse walked back in. I stormed out the door still open from her entering. I saved his butt and he doesn't even have the decency to say thank you? I nearly smashed a kid's face off during dodgeball. I had to take my anger out on someone or something. Luckily the gym teacher didn't see it, so he just called it an accident. 

When I went home that afternoon, I didn't even bother to tell anyone hello, not that they would notice anyways. I just stormed up to my room and screamed in my pillow. Alyssa is mad at me, and now Jason hates me. Well isn't that just wonderful!

I miss Kara. I miss New York. I miss street vender hotdogs. I miss hurrying to run home before it got dark. I even miss that stupid squeak my door made when I opened and closed it. It's just not the same here. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2012 ⏰

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