Chapter 3

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Summer between Junior High and High school, 14 years old

I text Bash and Liam that my Mom and I are out front of their house. A few minutes later I see them both heading towards the minivan in their swim shorts and tanks. The twins have really filled out this summer. They were huge before, but they've been at the gym and swimming pretty much every day and now instead of the lanky string beans they've been since I met them in fourth grade, they are sporting tons of muscle. I'm pretty sure they've each gained 20 pounds in the last couple months and they look like Seniors, not the Freshman that we are about to be.

I've always been a good 5 inches shorter than them, but I still have some muscles thanks to soccer. My style is a little darker than theirs. They are always in athletic clothes and I'm usually in skinny jeans and dark tees. I've been begging my parents to let me get my lip pierced before I started high school and I think I've finally persuaded my Mom and Dads. The twins jump in the back seat, both clapping me on the shoulder before they buckle up.

"Hi Mama," Bash calls from the back seat.

"Hi baby, how are your parents? I feel like I haven't seen them in ages."

"They are good. My Dad has been busy since his gym opened and my Mom is there most of the time too."

The twins' Dad was a professional fighter, but retired and has since opened his own boxing gym where he teaches and hosts small fights. That's where the twins have been all summer bulking up.

"We will have to get together for dinner soon, tell your Mom to call me when she's free. Do you guys have sunscreen?" My mom asks all of us. Liam pulls out a bottle and shakes it.

"Yup, but you know Mia has us covered when we forget."

"Of course she does, what would you guys do without her?" My Mom replies in a mocking tone. She's smiling so I know she's just poking fun at our affection for Mia, but Liam still blushes and looks out the window.

We arrive at Mia's house a couple minutes later. This summer we've bounced between houses, the four of us spending almost everyday together. On the days we couldn't physically see each other we usually stayed on vidchat for hours. Mia lives with her older sister, Cassidy, who is 30 something and her husband, Carter, who is a cop. Mia also has a sister two years older than her, Ella, who is going to be a Junior at the same high school we will be going too in a couple short weeks. She is really close with both of her sisters, so of course, that means the twins and I are too. The three of us take turns kissing my Mom on the cheek and thanking her for the ride before we head through the side gate to the backyard to see our girl.

I round the corner and immediately come to a screeching halt. Bash runs straight into my back.

"What the fuck dude?"

"What the fuck dude is right." I parrot.

I see Mia laying out on a pool chair with headphones in, not having seen or heard us. I also see Brent and Edgar swimming laps while Ella sits on the side of the pool watching. Ella has been hanging out with Edgar for a few months. He's a nice enough dude and we've gotten to know each other pretty well, but Brent is a total douche bag. I know he's only here to hit on Mia and the more he comes around the more that becomes obvious to everyone...everyone but Mia.

My girl is clueless. She isn't interested in romance or dating like most girls her age. She's interested in sports, anything outdoors, reality tv and food. She loves baking and I love eating so we're perfect together. Not that we're dating... but one day.

Liam pushes around the both of us and heads straight to Mia. He takes his shirt off, flexing his muscles, but Mia isn't even paying attention, which gets a laugh out of Bash and I. Mia lifts her head from the chair as she sees him coming. She gives him a megawatt smile oblivious to the fact he's trying to impress her with his 5 chest hairs. He leans down and kisses the crown of her head and sits in the chair next to her. Bash and I make eye contact as we start to trail in his path. She is used to us being affectionate with her, but we usually only do it when we're alone. I'm surprised for a moment, but then I see Brent watching them from the pool and I understand his need to make a claim.

"Hi beautiful," Bash basically sings as he bends down and kisses the exact spot Liam did. If Mia finds their behavior odd, she doesn't mention it.

"Hi Handsomes," she says, addressing the three of us.

She sits up and I finally get a look at the glittering, pink bikini she has on. It's basically strings, barely covering her and I have to hold in a groan as I tap her thigh to scoot over so I can sit next to her on the reclining pool chair. I lean my elbows on my knees to hide my growing erection and I see Bash pulling the towel from the back of the chair he and Liam are both sitting on to cover his dick. Liam is still staring straight at her tits and flat stomach as he grabs his discarded shirt off the ground and throws it in her lap.

"You're getting a sunburn, put that on."

She looks at her arms and then pulls her bikini top to the side ever so slightly to show her skin under the suit that is a few shades lighter than her shoulders. Liam jumps up like a snake bit his ass and he dives straight into the pool. Bash and I burst into laughter as Mia shakes her head at us.

"I never know what the fuck you guys are going on about. You get weirder with age."

She stands up to face the pool, giving me a perfect view of her ass peeking out of her tiny bottoms. Brent is staring at her, mouth hung half open like a stupid looking fish as Liam tackles him from the side and they both go under the water. Bash hangs his head to keep her ass out of his view and I do the only logical thing I can think of. I throw her into the pool.

Mia comes up spitting water and laughing.

"Hey Liam, come piggy back me around the pool!" She squeals.

Liam swims over eagerly, ditching his assault on Brent. Brent mutters "whipped" under his breath and I turn to glare at him. Before I can say anything a football comes careening past my head and nails Brent straight in the nose.

"Oh shit I'm so sorry man I meant to hit Trevor!" Bash calls from where he's standing near the storage shed of pool toys. He has a shit eating grin on his face so I know for a fact the ball hit it's intended target.


"Time to barbecue!" I yell a little too loudly as I open the sliding glass door carrying hamburgers and hot dogs. My partner in crime (literally) and best friend, Benji, is following behind me laughing. We've been watching out of the kitchen window with a bag of chips for 30 minutes waiting for Mia's males to get here so we could watch this unfold.

Brent is pulling himself out of the pool and there is blood dripping from his nose onto the pool deck. I cringe, but internally I'm jumping for joy because I bet Benji $20 someone would bleed today the minute Mia walked into the living room in that shit she calls a bathing suit. It's a blessing and a curse that the three women in my life are beautiful. My wife Cassidy is stunning and fortunately (read as: unfortunately) her sisters both take after her.

I've been in the role of protective big brother for four years now and while I really do enjoy scaring the shit out of teenage boys, it's nice to sit back for a bit and let Trevor, Liam and Sebastian do it for me. The three of them have been in love with Mia since 5th grade and have pretty much stalked her since. Mia is so focused on sports, school and friends that she doesn't have a desire to date yet and I'm so fucking thankful for that. I think a part of Mia will always guard her heart cautiously because of what she went through as a child.

Her Dad left them shortly after her Mom was diagnosed with cancer and then her Mom eventually passed. The three girls cared for their Mom through her sickness and I think it caused Mia to mature quicker then she should have. No five year old should have to watch her Mom die slowly in front of her. Cassidy raised her and now I'm helping, but it's not the same as having a Mom and Dad.

The only reason I allow these boys the freedoms they have is because I've watched them nurture her emotionally and support her every whim and desire. They made sure she did every childhood activity she wanted and they joined every sports team with her. In 5th grade they threatened the kickball coach that if he didn't let her join the all boys team all three of them, his star players, would quit.

It's not so odd for a female to have multiple love interests in today's time. There was a deadly virus that ran rampant 100 years back, which targeted the female's reproductive systems. For a great while there was a huge decline in babies being born and then the virus mutated as it was passed down generation to generation. Now female babies are rare and the female population is one third of what it was decades ago. I'm lucky I don't have to share Cassidy because I don't think I ever could, but Mia's boys grew up knowing they were likely to share a wife and I can't help but think that may be Mia one day.

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