Chapter 11

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*Sexy times ahead*

I'm vidchatting with Cassidy and Carter when I hear a tap on my window. I pause what I'm saying to listen again and I hear nothing.

"What the fuck?"

"What?" Carter leans towards the screen to ask me. They are both in bed sitting next to each other against the head board.

"I'm pretty sure someone just threw something at my window."

"Call security. Now." Carter demands.

"Uhhh no. I'll give you three guesses who it is and I don't want them getting in trouble." I get up to go look.

"Take the vidscreen with you Mia!" Carter practically barks out. I laugh, but oblige and grab my screen to walk to my window.

I pull back the curtain and I'm startled because there is a giant fucking man on my balcony.

"Jesus Christ!!"

I put my hand over my racing heart and unlock the balcony door before I rip it open. I hear Carter in my hand on the screen as his voice gets higher asking what scared me. I grab the shirt of the offender and drag his ass into my room while I close and lock the balcony door. He has a giant grin on his goofy cute ass face and I'm torn between scowling and smiling.

"Bash." Carter acknowledges him. I hand Bash the screen expecting him to get a lecture.

"Where are your brothers?"

"They watched me get in and then headed back to our room for bed. We rock paper scissored and I won."

Bash is grinning from ear to ear like he should get a prize for winning and scaling my building like a burglar.

"No one saw you?" Carter questions.

"No sir, the guys were on look out and I was quick." He's still smiling and I hope Carter wipes that smile right off his adorable face.

"Ok good. Don't get caught I don't want a fucking call. Go to bed. I don't want her late for classes. Got it?"

"We will and of course she won't be late. Goodnight sir."

"Wait!!" I screech and rip the vidscreen back.
"No lecture? You're just ok with them sneaking into my room after curfew?"

"I helped them find the easiest way in earlier today." Carter winks and I just stare at him with my mouth open.

"Goodnight Mama Mia, love you! Have a great first day. Check in with me a few times please!!" Cassidy ends the chat.

"What the hell?" I ask my blank screen. Bash takes it from me and sets it on the charging pad.

"Can't let our girl sleep alone what kind of assholes would we be?"

I laugh. And laugh. And I can't control my laughing now. Bash is smiling at me but has a look of confusion crossing his face.

"You mad?"

"No I'm just realizing that no one actually intended to let me have any semblance of independence."

I stop laughing now because I'm annoyed and the reality of being coddled to death sets in. I feel so unsure about what I want. I want them around all the time, but I want to show I can do this on my own too. Bash steps up to me and tilts my chin up with his fingers. He pulls me closer with his hand on my lower back.

"It's always your choice lover. I will leave if you want me too. We spent all summer having sleepovers. We got used to it and we were dreading sleeping without you so we figured you were feeling the same." He places a kiss to my head and hugs me to just warm chest.

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