Chapter 30

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Things have been a little better with Mia since we gave her the contract. When we picked her up the next morning for breakfast she called us stupid, but said she wasn't ready to reject it...yet. Her sass was in full force and I was able to take a big breath knowing her spark was coming back. A subdued Mia is never a good one.

She's wild and unpredictable. She's goofy and always smiling and giggling. The last few weeks have been torture not hearing the sweet giggles and seeing her smiles aimed my way. We took away her shine and I'll never forgive myself or my brothers for that. It's slow progress with her, but I'll take any baby steps she gives us.

She says she has coffee plans with a friend after her afternoon class today so we make plans to pick her up to escort her back to the dorm. Trevor has to work so Liam and I agree to meet at the coffee shop 30 minutes before she asked us too. I would like to say it's because I want to enjoy time with my brother, but we just plan to stalk her.

When I arrive I have to look around for a moment before spotting Mia. I couldn't easily spot her because she was tucked behind a male... a male who is not one of us.

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. Is she on a date?! Who the fuck is that? I've never seen him before! How did she meet him? The panic must be evident on my face because Liam comes through the door and his steps quicken towards me.

"What's wrong?" I've turned to look at him so he can't see where my focus was.

"Nothing. I don't want coffee now, let's go sit outside for a bit? It's really nice out today!" My voice is a little squeaky as I try to grab his arm and turn him around so he's not facing Mia's table. Liam is going to blow this for us. He's going to kill this man right now and send him to the morgue smelling like coffee beans..and Mia will never forgive us. Liam reads me too well. He sees my effort to try to redirect him for what it is. He turns around and immediately hones in on Mia, who is still partially shielded by the dead male.

"Who the fuck is that?" He obviously isn't expecting an answer because he's tearing across the building like a bull in a china shop.

Mia's eyes get big as she sees Liam heading her way. She looks to me and I see the "oh shit" in her eyes too. I give her an 'I'm sorry' cringe and take extra steps to catch up to my brother. He pulls a chair from another table to set it right next to her. He sits so he's facing the male. I have no choice but to pull a chair from a different table and do the same on the other side of her. I second guess my seating choice for a moment though.. should I have sat next to the male to protect him? I hate him already, but I doubt Mia had "seeing a dead body" on her schedule today...

"I'm Liam, this is my brother, Sebastian. Who are you?" Oh shit, full names. Here we go.

"Hey man, nice to meet you I'm Jared, my friends call me Jay." The guy is oblivious to his impending death.

He's got a big friendly smile and I take care to look at his teeth which look nice, he probably had braces.. his orthodontist is going to be so upset with Liam.

"Liam, Bash. What are you guys doing here? I still have another.." She looks to her vidscreen watch, "30 minutes before I asked for you to pick me up."

"We were thirsty." Liam answers, but he is glaring at friendly Jay. We don't even have drinks!

Mia turns to me with a 'help' gesture and I look to her with a 'it's too late now' one. I don't even know if she understands what I'm saying, but I think she gets the gist when she speaks,

"I actually have a lot of homework, I'm ready to go now. Jay thank you for the coffee and conversation it was nice to take a break from school work. I'll see you in class!" She's overly polite, too polite and Liam side eyes her.

"We just got here and I'd love to get to know your, uh, date?..better." Liam stumbles through the words.

"Not a date, just a friend from class. No big deal." Mia replies.

Jay shoots her a confused look that unfortunately my brother catches.

"Did you ask her on a date?" Liam asks Jay.

"Uhh yeah I mean I think I kinda assumed this was a date?" Jay questions, but he's looking at Mia for the answer.

"I'm so sorry I think our wires got crossed. I didn't realize this was a date, I thought it was just friendly coffee. I'm not interested in dating, but I am flattered, thank you. Again, sorry." Mia is rambling. She's nervous.

Oh shit. If Liam thinks she likes this douche bag, he really is ground coffee beans.

"If it's about your network I'm cool with that. I knew you had one I just haven't seen them around as much so figured maybe it wasn't working out, or they aren't your romantic interests?" Jay is looking to Mia again for an answer.

She makes a sound of distress like she knows how close we are sitting to a wild animal who might attack at any second.

"Uhh yeah they are my uh network?" She asks like a question. Looking between Liam and Jay.

"If you're unsure then they are doing something wrong. I'd make damn sure you were never confused about my interests." Friendly Jay winks. He winks. Oh god. Not a wink friendly Jay!

Liam stands up with force so his chair tips over. People turn to see what the commotion is and Liam's hand seems to reach in slow motion towards not so friendly Jay's throat. I reach for his arm a second after Mia does. She's hanging off of him like a monkey, she puts her whole weight into bringing Liam's arm down away from friendly Jay's soon to be crushed windpipe.

She sees he won't give up so changes her tactic. She steps up on her chair and flings herself at Liam's chest. It breaks him out of his anger induced haze for a moment and he grips her so she doesn't fall. She's clinging to him like her life depends on it..well friendly Jay's life.

Liam is startled she's touching him, but his hands roam down her back unconsciously like his body can't believe it's touching hers again.

"Jay I'm sorry we need to go. I am not interested in you romantically so no need to prove anything about any interests. Again, just to clarify, not interested." Her voice is high pitched and the last sentence is said while she's staring at Liam.

We've caused a huge scene now. There are students staring, some laughing and some with looks of concern. I'm guessing those with concerned looks can tell how close friendly Jay was to meeting his maker today. Liam carries Mia out of the shop, refusing to set her down, and I scoop up her backpack and belongings on the table.

"Sorry not sorry Jay. Don't talk to her again please. Your orthodontist is probably a nice guy, I would hate to see him upset." He stares at me, confusion etched across his face.

"Uh yeah sorry man, my bad. I'll keep my distance."

"Good man." I pat him on the shoulder a little too hard if his grunt is any indication. Oops.

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