Chapter 4

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End of Sophomore year, 16 years old

I stand in front of my closet door while my Mom fusses over my tie and suit jacket. It's prom tonight and I'm nervous as fuck, but not for the reasons you might think. I've been in love with the same girl since I was 10 years old and I'd like to say it's her I'm taking to prom tonight, but it's not.

"You look perfect honey your date is one lucky girl." Mom winks at me. She knows I don't give a crap about my date.

"Thank you Ma and thank you for helping us with the suits and flowers and shit," I duck my head as her hand comes to smack the back of my head.

"Language!" Ma screams, but she's trying to hold in a smile so I know I'm not really in trouble.

"Let's go fucker!" Bash comes bounding past me out of the bathroom and does manage to smack the back of my head, and a lot harder then Ma would have. I charge after him and shoulder him into the wall to rush past him. I can hear my Ma exasperated and bitching some more about language and I chuckle. My Ma is a saint for putting up with us and my Dad. Between the three of us we have to test her patience on a daily basis, but she always seems to have an unlimited supply of it.

As I head down the steps taking two at a time I see Trevor waiting at the door looking fancy as hell, but with his signature scowl in place. If I have to go on a shitty date with an annoying girl I'm glad my boys have to do it with me too. We didn't plan on going to prom, hell we aren't even supposed to be going it's for Juniors and Seniors, but my Mia is going, so here we are.

Mia was asked by a Senior named Jake and for some ungodly reason she agreed to go with him. She said he's "dope," whatever the fuck that means. He is also the varsity captain of the soccer team, the same soccer team that Trevor is on. Trevor blames himself for Jake asking Mia because Jake first saw her at a game. She was there to support Trevor though, so I think Jake should have fucked right off.

Trevor and Jake got into a heated argument during practice one night over Mia and they both were benched for the next game. Trevor explained that Mia belonged to us, the three of us, but Jake didn't care. He agreed to go with us as a group and that's the only reason he's still alive. Mia's happiness is the only thing we really care about and if she wants to go to prom with a douche nugget then we will be there... also going on the date with said douche nugget. Lucky for us we are fairly popular at school so it was easy to find three Senior girls who were willing to take us as their dates so we could get in.

"You look ugly," Trevor grumbles as he looks me over.

"You look beautiful my pretty little princess," Bash says as he sweeps by planting a kiss on Trevor's cheek. Trevor punches him in the back as he walks away. The only person we are romantically interested in is Mia, but you don't see someone almost every day for 6 years and not form this kind of bond with them. Trevor is my brother, just as much as Bash is.

"Let's go get this shit over with. If one of these girls touches me or if Jake touches Mia I'm going to freak the fuck out. I don't feel good about this."

Trevor looks as miserable as I feel. We haven't made our feelings clear to Mia. I'm pretty sure everyone in this damn city knows what she is to us, but her. She is a flighty little thing and she doesn't believe in love or marriage. She is jaded from her past and she carries it with her everyday. Her Dad used to tell her stories of fairy tales, princesses and gallant knights, but then he abandoned his wife while she was dying and his children while they were grieving.

Mia suffered for years, very much alone, while Cassidy had to figure out how to be a parent and Ella focused herself on school. Mia missed a very good portion of her childhood, and while we stepped in during 5th grade and made our best efforts to give her the one back she lost, she still feels that loss. She still feels that sting of rejection from her Dad, she misses the moments she should have had with her Mom and she regrets not having the memories she should have had with her sisters because they were grieving along side her.

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