Chapter 2

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12 years old, 7th grade

I'm sitting at our normal lunch table waiting on my bestie boys: Liam, Bash and Trevor. I named them that after overhearing Cassidy and Carter talking about some band from the 1900s called the Beastie Boys. I thought it had a ring too it, so I stole it.

I'm digging through my fuzzy purple lunch box when the boys sit down around me. Lunch is very important to is breakfast, brunch, dinner and snacking, but school lunch is my favorite because the boys take turns bringing me treats. As always, Liam and Bash sit across from me and Trev sits at my side. We sit alone and we've rarely ever had anyone join us.

Once, Thomas from my History class tried, but Liam pulled his chair out when he tried to sit down and he crashed to the floor. Everyone laughed, but I helped Thomas up and gave him the chocolate bar Trevor had given me that day to apologize for Liam's poor behavior. Thomas just smiled and nodded, but he didn't talk to me again during History or lunch. The next day Trevor brought me two chocolate bars and said I wasn't allowed to share my treats again.

Today Bash slides over sour gummy worms and I snatch them up and run around the table to hug him from behind. Even sitting down I'm barely taller than him.

"Thank you thing two!" I squeal.

"You're welcome," Bash replies quietly and I smack a kiss on his cheek to make him blush further. Bashful Bash is sweet and I can make him turn as red as a tomato by tickling him or kissing his cheek and it's one of my favorite things to do.

"Stop harassing the man and come give number one a kiss," Liam says with a big grin on his face. I hug him from behind, the same as I did Bash and smack a kiss on the side of his forhead. Liam holds my hands against his chest to prolong the hug and I have to pry my arms out of his grip. I'm giggling and running away from his grabby hands to get back to my side of the table as he tries to reach for my hand and bring me back. I plop myself down next to Trevor. He looks at me expectedly.

"What?" I ask.

"What am I chopped liver I don't get any love?" He has a hand to his chest like he's heart broken so I lean over and kiss his cheek. He's facing me and the touch is a little different then it was with Bash and Liam since I'm closer to his lips. Trevor hugs me to his chest and my head tucks under his chin.

"I've missed you."

I giggle and pull out of his grasp to look up at his face.

"You literally saw me 3 hours ago, get a life." I roll my eyes and return to my lunch and sour worms.

The bestie boys and I walk home to my house from school since it's the closest. They take turns holding my hand as we walk, like they do everyday. Some of the girls I hangout with said that means they like me as more then a friend, but I'm pretty sure they've just never had friends like these. Trevor, Liam and Bash are my best friends for life. That means we will be together forever and they will never leave me. Every time I ask they tell me that there is nothing I could do that would make them want to unfriend me.

I asked them what would happen if I had another best friend and they said as long as it wasn't a boy, it was fine. They said three boys was enough to handle and I have to agree. They sure do require a lot of upkeep. I wouldn't even have time to manage another best friend. I'm with the boys everyday after school until dinner and then after dinner we vidchat while we do homework. They are usually the last people I talk to before I sleep and the first ones I talk to when I wake. I pray every night before bed that God let's me keep my three best friends and never tries to take them away.

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