I need you

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Billie's POV

I sat alone in our backyard swing, the swift breeze kissed my face I let a sigh release from my lips that familiar wave of sadness washed over me why is Brandon still with me? I never show it but deep down I feel he will leave me or cheat on me with someone skinnier and prettier even smarter than me I tear up just thinking about it. I shake from the deep thought and get up to go inside, I walk in just to see him concentrating on what he was doing in the kitchen his head quickly rose as he noticed me standing there, his cute ass smile appeared on his plump lips immediately "hey mama you want me to make you something...let me guess burrito right?" I chuckled lightly and nodded my head my heart fluttered at his efforts a wave of sadness came over me again at the thought of having to leave him, I walked up to him for what he doesn't know is his last time with me I hugged him from behind tightly and barely above a whisper I said "I love you" he swiftly turned around facing me and gripping my waist he was about to lean in to kiss me but stopped in his tracks "why you tearin up?...you okay mama?" He asked I've never seen so much concern on his face before i didn't even realize I had tears in my eyes I quickly blinked them away and tried to think of something else I dug my face in his chest "I'm okay I just love you so much" I squeezed him tight once again knowing I was crying because he's gonna hate me after what I'm about to do, "I love you more" he did the same rubbing his hands through my green roots "imma bout to go to the store to get some more ingredients you wanna come?" , I shook my head no he kissed my forehead and stared in my eyes for a minute "are you sure you're ok?" He asked me once more I almost broke this time but quickly nodded reassuring him with my lies "just go to the store babe...I'll be here" my voice broke a little at the end of that sentence but finally he was off closing the door behind him. Tears now streamed my face I dragged my feet up stairs He was my last hope to stopping me from doing this. I entered the bathroom closed the door behind me locking it and sitting on the edge of the tub plugging in the tub then letting the water run filling it up my breath got heavy and my hands began to sweat I can't believe I'm about to go through with this I don't even know why and that's honestly what's making it worse light sobs escaped my lips once the tub was full I stopped the water and slowly sat in it a little water spilling over as I sat, I didn't bother taking off my clothes I don't want to die at the sight of my body and I don't want to be found dead for others to see how disgusting I am my heart wrenched and I began to hyperventilate going back and forth contemplating if this the right thing "you asked for this Billie....you're here now...don't be a coward...you're too good at that" finally I take myself under, water filling my mouth, ears and nose, it was uncomfortable but I refuse to come up.

Brandon's POV

I couldn't help but think about Billie and how bothered she looked her vibe was just so sad, I turned the car back around and parked back in front of our home I tried calling her but her phone was going straight to voicemail that cause my heart rate to speed up why isn't she answering I called like 10 times and I just left? Something isn't right I just have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach I quickly turned off my car and running back into the house "mama??" I called out like two times "BILLIE?!" I finally yelled I was so confused what is going on I heard muffled struggle sounds coming from our upstairs bathroom I sprinted up the stairs in a panic I grabbed the handle of the door and it was locked "yo Billie you good? Baby open up! Open up!!" I spoke frantically but I heard no response only muffled sounds and water "fuck this" I raised my foot and kicked the door it busted open one by the third kick pieces of the door broke and feel to the ground the sight I seen made me tear up, my angel under water seemingly lifeless under the water I jumped in the tub with her on my knees her head in my hands as I yank her from the water her eyes shot open she gasped deeply for air coughing up all the water that filled her lungs, "WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU BILLIE?!" I yelled at the top up my lungs as I forcefully pulled her weak body into a hug forcing her face in my neck, wetting myself I was soaked at this point but didn't give a fuck I wouldn't loosen my grip on her my breath was heavy along with hers I pulled her back by her shoulders still holding her to look her in the face, as she caught her breath water soaked her entire body excess water running down her face I scanned her face Pain filled her blue eyes "baby....why" my voice broke as my eyes filled with I'm sure the thickest tears my heart broke that she would want to end herself I knew she had trouble with her mental heath but I didn't think it was this bad, I watched as her lip quivered and her eyes filled then quickly spilled mixing with the water on her face loud sobs escaping her plump pink lips my heart broke even more and I began to sniffle her head hung low as she cried her eyebrows twisted with emotions "ho- how did you...why did you stop me...why are you still here sev?" She spoke quietly but enough for me to hear her beautiful voice I shook my head and furrowed my brows at her question "because I fuckin love you I would do anything for you literally anything as long as I'm here I'll do anything to protect you no one can hurt you I couldn't be here without you mama.....I need you" I spoke cracks in my voice I was still shook up at what just happened she lifted her head to look at me with the saddest pretty eyes wrapping her arms and legs around me sobbing into my neck "I love you...so much".

Sooo this isn't the part two of the other garbage I just felt like writing this shit what ever this is idk I just thought It was kinda cute but tell me in the comments what you guys want smut? Romance? Drama? A fight? Idk just tell me...or don't idc okay byeeeee.

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