We dont need em (part 2)

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The anonymous character is the taller version of no neck Ed still with no damn neck.

Brandon pov

"Round two in the shower?" Billie spoke playfully but still so sexy to me, I looked at her in her blue eyes and smirked giving her peck after peck on her lips making sure to hold the last one a little long before speaking again "we can do round two when I get back I have to get something from the store for my mom" she slightly pouted in disappointment at the thought of me leaving "but babyyyy I want some dick" she pouted, we were still naked as she laid on top of me her tiny hands rubbing up and down my chest, my hands snake down to her waist then to her bare ass giving it a hard slap she giggled out loud I then sat up rolling her over off of me as I got up to go wash up before heading out after I was done in the bathroom now full dressed in a a casual outfit I opened the door and she stood in front of it with a white tiny towel around her, her breast begging to spill out of it her washing products in her hand "damn you look so good mama" I spoke, she giggled and walked past me to set her stuff of the counter in the bathroom before turning to me I pulled her by her waist so close to me that her chest was on mine "baby go wh-" I cut her off with a sweet soft kiss her body going limp in my arms I pulled away before I got too distracted "ok baby I'll be back" we kissed once more before I left out walking to my car and starting it up and driving off. I connected my phone to the aux blasting some frank ocean as I  continued to drive I noticed the same white car behind me for the pasted 10 mins ignored it and pulled into the store parking lot I figured if he was gonna try some shit I can hold my own I brushed it off and walked inside grabbing a shopping basket going down an aisle as I grabbed an item I felt someone staring I snapped my head and made eye contact with a white man about my height probably in his 40's he had a camera in his hand and when he made Eye contact with me he quickly broke it and huddled to the next aisle I scrunched up my face "yo...wtf" I went around the corner to where he was but he was all the way at the end of the aisle running to the next one "mannn I'm not finna chase that crazy mf" I spoke to myself I then brushed it off and continued to shop but a strange feeling didn't leave my chest I just wanted to hurry up and get back to Billie.

Anonymous pov

I tapped my fingers impatiently on the steering wheel I've been here watching for hours "they have to leave the house some how got damn!" Suddenly their front door rustled and out came Brandon Billie's boyfriend a rush of jealousy ran through my veins I quickly shrunk in my seat trying not to be seen, not even seeing if Billie was with him I then sat back up as I heard his car start and loud music play before he backed up and pulled off "whack ass music taste pft" I quickly started my car to follow him not following him too closely not to blow my cover. Finally after 10 mins he pulled into the store parking lot I made sure not to park too close but not too far from him. I watched as he quickly got out going inside I waited like 2 minutes before heading inside myself trying not to look suspicious I took my hood off and placed my camera inside my my hoodie pocket. I've been stalking Billie for a little over 6 months now, I mean I've always loved her and followed her moves since 2016 from her massively successful music career. My obsession was triggered when I saw her in concert I watched her preform bitches broken hearts and fell in love with her every movement I haven't looked at her in a casual way since I truly believe she was made for me and I was made for her yea I know I'm 40 and I get many comments saying I'm too old to see her that way but that's why I waited until she was 18 to finally go through with this she's just so beautiful and I want to show her my love I know she will learn to love me after this...eventually. I walk down each aisle to see where he is and finally I see him I pretend to look for something as we share the aisle I couldn't help it but stare at him burning a hole in the side of his stupid head,my mind went wild to the things I wanted to do to him I hated him for stealing Billie away from me suddenly he snapped his head towards me and we made eye contact my camera fumbled in my hands as it pointed towards him I quickly ran to the next aisle and pretend to look at something else "shit" I murmured as I heard his foot steps walking to where I was I quickly bolted down the aisle all the way to the next one I needed to get out of here if I want to have time with Billie. I pushed past the few people that were in my way and rushed out the store I got back into the car and zoomed down the street. 10 mins later I pulled up I didn't Park in their drive way so I parked in front of a random house 2 blocks down I quickly got out crouching down behind bushes, it was about 10pm so it was dark out I quietly snuck up to their door step I've been stalking for so long I know where they put their spare key I reached up above their door and grabbed the key slowly turning it and finally slowly cracking the door open I softly closed it behind me locking the door in the process also prying my shoes off with each of my feet so my foot steps were hard to hear.my ears perk up as I hear the shower turn off and music playing my heart skipped beats as I knew the love of my life was up there ready for me "here I come baby" I whispered as I slowly crept up the stare case suddenly I tripped a bit falling back on the previous step making a loud thump "fuck" I hissed I then continued my mission up the stairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2020 ⏰

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