Well that esculated quickly...

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Brandon pov
I looked down at Billie to admire her beauty, she moved her hips purposely rubbing her ass on my dick she was so slick, she looked up at me giggling I looked straight forward smirking banging my head at the performers jumping on stage I just admired the moment and took it in I was enjoying a good ass day with my love I looked down at her again she was continuing her movements now banging her head as well she genuinely looked happy and I wouldn't trade this sight for anything else. She then turned around to look up at me her pretty blue eyes looking at me all wide and innocent full of love "babe I need to go to the restroom I'll be right back" she spoke into my ear "ok baby you need me to come with you?.. yea I think I should come with yo-" I spoke but was interrupted by her " no stay here it's ok you need to watch our spots I'll be quick ok" I nodded in response and then she was off I turned back towards the performance and brushed it off.
*5 minutes pass
Suddenly I heard a scream that Pierced my ears "is someone fighting?!" Someone next to me spoke I couldn't see Everyone around me including myself continued to lift our heads to see what the commotion was "POP! POP!" Is all I heard and everyone became chaotic and running away from the shots I didn't have to see much to know what was going on I know a gun when I hear one. multiple shots rang once more and the only thing I could think about is Billie I began to panic and feel my heart skip beats I realize the bathroom Billie went to was toward the shots I didn't think twice I ran towards the shots bumping into all the frantic people "YEO MAN! YOU GOIN THE WRONG WAY" I ignored all the people looking at me crazy blood now covered the dirt I stumbled over bodies my heart felt heavy I prayed she was in that bathroom "she better be in that bathroom god please" I said into the atmosphere tears filled my eyes I seen the tent where the fancy port potties were I yanked open the first one I seen "omg god thank you god! Come mama" I spoke frantic she jumped at each round of shots I still didn't see the gun man she was shaking and was crouched down I never seen so much fear in Someone's eyes before "you came back for me...why" her voice cracked her eyes welled in thick tears my heart broke "you could've died sev!" I grabbed her up "because you're worth it!" I snapped but was so sincere we ran out the potty ducking and running through the people.

Billie pov
We were running as fast as we could sev was of course faster than me I began to feel my ankle give out I screamed and fell to the ground sev looked at me with concern he said nothing and with quickness he rolled and got on top of me covering my head as the gun man ran through shooting at the police I held onto the sides of him having a death grip on his shirt "we need to move mama" he sternly said I nodded and before I could get from under him he scooped me up in bridal style now running with me in his arms I held onto his neck and tucked my head into his chest I didn't hear shots anymore and police were already around I assumed they caught that sick ass person "SIR! SIR WHO ARE YOU WAIT!" He began to slow down he put me down the police grabbed him and pushed me out the way Brandon got aggravated and began to fight his way out but their grip got tighter and more aggressive "do you know this man?! Are you ok" I looked at the man in disgust "HES DONE NOTHING WRONG WE ARE TRYING TO GET AWAY FROM THE CHAOS HE CAME BACK FOR ME THATS MY BOYFRIEND!!" I screamed I could literally taste the blood on my throat and tongue I was screaming so loud tears of panic ran down my face Brandon looked at me with love but so much fear "baby it's ok calm down" the police men received my message well and let him go guiding us to safety....

Man idk what the hell this is I was typing this in the car and I literally feel soo sick because I get car sick looking down and in motion but anyways this was honestly one of my intrusive thoughts and scenarios my brain literally runs with EVERYTHINGGG but hope you guys enjoy and can comment and give me feedback I'm sooo new to this so ion really know what I'm doing just doing what I feel ok im done byeeeeeee :)

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