Damn you look good in the moonlight

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Billie pov
anxiously waiting on the side of my bed fiddling with the end of my shirt in the pitch black dark despite being so nervous I was horny as hell I was wearing only a big band t shirt and nothing else my legs, pits, and of course Pussy were bald and ready to be pounced on, my skin scented of bath and body works lotion I looked to check my phone to see if he texted back "how far are you? We doin this or what?" right as the message said delivered I heard 2 light knocks at my window it spooked me a bit but that quickly turned into excitement I went over to my window to open it the only light visible was the moonlight "hey mamas" he stood in front of me hands to his sides in all his glory damn he looked so sexy he then took off his shirt his chocolate abs looked so damn ugh under the moonlight " damn you look good" he spoke a little in a regular voice " now we have to be quiet I don't want to wake my family I would be DEAD if they caught you here at 3 am" I whispered glancing at the clock that read 2:45 we planned this moment for a while since we've been talking/dating without a label with each other for 6 months we've done other sexual things like oral but we've never had sex or now that I'm bringing it up we've never even kissed foreal not a make out session at least only pecks. " tell me what you want and I'll do it mama" his deep voice rumbled I could feel my pussy throb as he spoke "I want you" I slightly moaned his hands snaking under my shirt gripping my ass taking in as much as his hands could hold "damn you gettin thick ma" his New York accent made me putty in his hands he pulled me extremely close making my front touch his bulge through his sweats I slid his pants down leaving him in his boxers he turned himself to be in front of my bed pulling me with him he sat down I followed with excitement now straddling his lap grinding my raw pussy through his boxers I began to speed up a little "wai-wait" he spoke I stopped "what what's wrong?" He paused I couldn't see his face too clear but I could still see him I waited for his response "can-....can I kiss you first.....we've never really...kissed" he whispered in vulnerability butterflies erupted in my stomach that was the cutest shit he's ever said I nodded "ok" he gripped my hips then flipping us over him now on top hovering me i guess the clouds in the night were passing the moon because now it was pitch and I couldnt see shit literally nothing making this harder for him to find my lips I gripped his arms and thrusted my body up for skin Connection he leaned down his lips parted and brushed my nose then used that as a landmark to guide him down to my lips once he was warmer I parted my lips as well leaning up meeting him half way connecting our lips they now moving perfectly in sync At that point my entire body said 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋 I could literally hear my heart beat through my pussy it was throbbing like a drum at this point it really hits different when you value who you're about to fuck the kiss began to intensify he began groaning in my mouth and grinding his dick on me which drove me crazier our lips making loud smacks moving at enjoyable pace he then without warning aggressively pulled my shirt off immediately massaging my large boobs "mmmmhmmm yes baby keep doin that" I moaned lowly in his ear as his mouth harassed my right nipple flicked his tongue and sucking leaving hickies on them for sure he then continued sucking my titty then reached his hand down to feel my pussy his fingers slide up and down between my folds his fingers now moisturized by my wetness "mmm shit you so sexy" he grumbled my back arched as he began circling my clit with one finger and putting one finger in "ahh ouuu" I softly moaned I left from sucking my tits by leaving a trail all the way down to my stomach flicking his tongue softly around my belly ring "daddy eat me already" he obeyed but now putting his whole mouth over my pussy sucking on my clit "oh yea that feels good" I moaned it truly did I'm glad I'm with someone who I don't have to fake moan with lol he began to finger me with two fingers quickly cuffing them upward still sucking on my clit "mmhmm you taste so good mama" the vibrations from his voice making me go crazy I soon felt a knot in my stomach signaling my orgasm was approaching "oh- ohhhh sev keep going I'm almost there" I moaned "shhhh" he said into my pussy pushing me over the edge I began to shake from the intensity I tried to close my legs and ride my high myself but he forced them back open licking and slurping me clean causing me to let out a loud high pitch Yelp "AHH" he reached up covering my mouth he now close to my face hovering over me eyes full of love and lust "you talkin bout ME being quiet" he deeply chuckled I blushed I sure my face matched my pussy at the moment flushed as fuck he stared at me leaning down to softly connecting our lips again both of our lips parted his tongue entered mine making my Pusey throb and wet once more he pulled away I sucked on his bottom lip before letting him go  "I really love kissing you...damn" he spoke softly "me too" I couldn't do anything but smile from ear to ear his lips traveled to my neck I felt his hard dick on my thigh "you ready baby" he spoke into my neck sending chills through my body my breath became heavy in anxiousness ugh wtf does he do to me I NEVER get nervous and here I am underneath him shaking like a leaf I nodded my head in response he then slid his boxers down his huge dick made me gasp he chuckled at my response "wait...lock the door" I said to him he quickly got up butt naked and locked the door I admire his sexy body in the little moonlight that seeped through the window I laid on my back still watching him my knees to my chest he then walked back over to me sliding his hands from my ankles to my knees slowly but firmly spreading them ugh I loved when he was so gentle yet so stern we both naked on top of the covers my heart beating out my chest but I was so ready I needed him NOW no turning back he aligned himself with my wet entrance and leaned down hovering over on top of me "just relax for me bil I promise I'll make this good" he spoke barely above a whisper it's not like I haven't had sex before so why was I so nervous to do it with him ugh he was so intimidating, at this moment I felt like a Virgin before I could prepare he thrusted his tip in taking his hand to spread my lips for easier access thrusting himself deeper inside me my back arched deeply my chest now connected his making this more intimate I gasped the deeper he went my eyebrows farrowed and my mouth making an O shape I tried so hard not to make any noise "y- ohh you're so big" I spoke breathless he grunted and picked up his pace once I adjusted to him the only thing filling the room were his grunts, my soft whimpers and sloshy wet sounds from our contact he then picked up the pace some more he breath now heavier and his grunts more rapid "fuck you feel so good damn mama" his heavy New York accent made me feel so sexy I wrapped my hands around his shoulders and back as his thrust intensified I was loving every minute I of this is I'm sure he was too he gripped my thighs and adjusting his angle now pounding my pussy balls deep the intensity was too much I pushed on his stomach to get him to slow down tears welled in my eyes "OHHH MYY *gasp FUCK BABY IT FEELS SO GOOD" I moaned out way too loud he got more aggressive as I cheered him on with my moans he didn't hush me this time he was too much in the zone to give a damn "mmm FUCK you so tight" he gripped my hands to keep it from pushing him away he then leaned his whole body weight on me getting deeper inside me his grunts now in my ear driving me wild his hands stop gripping mine now tighter "don't Fuckin run take this dick mama" he growled in my ear I felt a knot in my stomach "ohh baby Im finna cu-"he interrupted me "hold that shit" I whimpered in response he sped up with his thrust even more now drilling my shit full speed my moans became so high pitch and hoarse hot tears of pleasure ran down my face "pl-please dadddy UGHHHHH" I whimpered "FUCK keep begging baby finna make a nigga cum with that shit" he grumbled still drilling me "please let me cum daddy I can't hold it anymore" I cried he leaned up gripping my hips pulling out then thrusting forcefully back in making me jump he repeated this two more times I squirted all over his dick he then spilled on my titties I closed my legs shaking trying to recover he then laid next to me breathless me the same we finna caught our breath he wrapped his arms around me I leaned into her laying on his bare chest "that was the best sex I've ever had" he finally broke the silence "you're the first to ever make me cum besides myself that shit was beyond me" I whispered "sorry for being so rough baby" he brushed through my hairs as spoke "good thing I love it that way" I saw we
both chuckled before drifting off to sleep...not a good idea but Fuck it I wanna lay up with him.

I really like this one it's so intimate and kinda personal to me based on events in my own personal life I hope you liked it don't be shy to say some shit down belowwww :)

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