Ch. 1

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America sighed, sitting up on his bed and wiping his eyes. He had just woken up, it was around 9AM. His alarm clock was across the room with a shattered screen.


He used his phone as a alarm clock...

America quickly ran over to his phone and picked it up. Letting out a quick sigh of relief when he realized he only damaged the screensaver, and he had extras in his drawers.

America quickly swapped the screensavers out and turned it back on. Checking social media and shit. There was a report of COVID-19 being a little bitch, but yeah, he couldn't do anything.

America opened his door and walked downstairs, the sweet scent of pancakes drifting around the house.

He was forced to live with Canada once everyone had found out about his Anorexia and stuff. But hey, it was almost nonexistant now.

America told Canada he wasn't hungry and would probably eat later. Canada reluctantly nodded. After all, Canada knew about all his eating problems and was worried.

America threw on his jacket and sunglasses before walking out the door and jumping onto his motorcycle. He threw on his helmet and fastened it. Then started up the engine and drove off.

The streets were busy. Everyone was probably rushing to get toilet paper cause of the coronavirus. America suddenly got a message from the government. There was a urgent meeting scheduled for a hour from then. America sighed, turning directions as it would probably take him at least 50 minutes to get to the meeting.

After around 55 minutes America parked his motorcycle and walked up to the security guards. He pulled up a ID before he was let in. When he arrived most of the government officials were there. And surprisingly, NY, NJ, and Michigan were there. All three wearing masks of some sort.

America was surprised, but said nothing as he sat down next to Michigan. The meeting was scheduled to start within the next few minutes. The states knew nothing other than everyone was freaking out about them and something was wrong in their territories.

The only things they pulled together was it was most likely from the Coronavirus. After all, those three were the states with the most cases/deaths.

"What if the Coronavirus mutated and is gonna kilL us all?" Michigan joked.
"AWW HELL NAH!" NJ put their hands in the air dramatically.
"But it is possible..." Michigan stated.
"But not likely." NY barged in.
"BuTtT still, possible." Michigan persisted.
"Could we just wait in peace?" America sighed, "You guys need to act more your age."

Right at that moment, Donald himself walked in the doors.
"Okay, now whats the problem mr. Trumpfor2020?" America rolled his eyes at NJ's remark.
"Well first you need to stop calling me that NJ. I don't care if you have 9 million americans I will nuke you off of the map."
"oH nO" Jersey fell back dramatically. Gasping as if they were going to die.
"JerseY stoP" NY sighed.
"Well anyways, Lets just get to the point of this entire meeting." Mr. Trumpisthebest pulled up a news report from the morning.

There was a sea green haired girl holding a microphone (def not inserting my bootiful OC here). She seemed panicked and rushed.
"Greetings everyone! Welcome back to DNF news. As you may already know, it isn't good." She pointed to the background, a rotting body walking around like it was perfectly fine. Suddenly, the girl turned around as the zombie approached her and let out a high pitched scream as the screen went black.

"This isn't true. TRUMP STOP PRANKING US!" NJ said, a hint of pleading in their voice.
(Im bored of using gender neutral terms so ill just gender the states based on their female to male population)
Mr. TrumpIsBest sadly shook his head. "I'm sorry but I am not joking of any kind. This is happening and you actually have the most dead people coming back to life."
Jersey threw her head onto the table, if it had much more force she would of probably broken it.
Michigan looked up. "Wait, does that mean me and York are also having people coming back from the dead?" She asked, concern for her state clear in her voice.
"Sadly yes, so far you three are the only we know of for now." Mr. Trumpfor2020 confirmed.
"Exactly how many zombies are there, Mr. Trump?" America asked nervously.
"Around 1000 discovered so far. But there are most likely way more."
"We need to lock down this entire country, Jersey, Michigan, York, close your borders to all the states, dont let anyone in or out." The states nodded.
"What about Pennsylvania? She would be worried sick about me." NJ referred to her best friend.
"I'll tell her. Just lock down your states and I'll deal with the others." Everyone nodded at that and the states ran off to catch the next train to their states.

But unknown to the others. Ame was having a smol panic attack, breaking all speed laws back to his house. He made it in half a hour and asked his brother to go get something in his country. Canada was suspicious, but went along. As soon as Canada had left, America closed all borders so Canada was not allowed back in. America could not let his brother be concerned. He had enough worries already.

Welp hello people. Some of you probably read my failed books so yeaH imma try to get this book actually done

904 words in this chapter, excluding A/Ns

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