ch. 5

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York had taken shelter in a small cave. Just large enough for a comfortable living area. He had already started to make a bed out of makeshift leaves and other soft materials, a soft fire illuminating light. He had hunted down a rabbit and killed it with a sharp branch. At the moment it was cooking on the fire. A light browning starting to creep up on its fur. York realized he had his phone on him and took it out. It was at 67% and he had a charger in his pocket. He turned it on and went online. Going into the group chat he conveniently had with the same states which went missing.

Empire god:Is anyone here?

5 mins later

Garden Goddess:i have a 7% phone but yeaH

Empire god:Well you bout to lose all contact with the outside world

Garden Goddess: i knOw

Empire god:anY lasT wOrDs mOrtal?

Garden goddess:Fuck you

Garden Goddess is offline.

Empire god:fUck I didn't mean it

Empire god is offline

York facepalmed, he just lost probably one of his only contacts to the outside world. He decided to watch the news instead.


7 billion zombies now
"Im going to go insanE" NJ said to herself. Well she already was. Wait, was she? She didn't know, it had been 3 days since she made contact with anyone other than a zombie. Jersey groaned. Snacking on some dried up saskatoon berries. Basically rasins but not cranberries. She suddenly heard footsteps. Instinctively, Jersey grabbed her knife and stood up slowly.

"Whos there?!"

"America, is that you?"

"No, Who the fuck are you?!" NJ suspiciously asked.

Someone walked out of the bushes, definitely a country, their shirt smelled of maple syrup and NJ connected the pieces. It was most likely Canada, her uncle.
"Are you... Canada?" She asked.
"How did you know?"
"America told me about you." NJ visibly settled down.
"Well who are you? His capital..?"
"Nope, I still don't trust you but, I'm one of the colonies thats all im telling ya." Jersey was still being cautious.
"Judging by your flag color and how much you curse, and your size, You are New Jersey, am I right?" Canada asked.
"How did you-"
"America told me about his states somehow being personified, and I know all the states by name. But one question, I don't know hoW someone can be shorter then Ame."
"What did you say..?" A dangerous glint appeared in her eyes and Jersey pulled out her knife again.
"Jesus calm down!" Canada panicked.
Jersey sighed and put away her knife. "What are you doing here? Last I heard the country was shut down."
"I snuck in, but... why is it shut down?"
"Don't you know about the corona virus situation?" Canada shook his head.
Jersey sighed and explained the situation.

"Why didn't he tell me?! I could of helped him!"
"He knew you would try and help him and didn't want you to risk your life for him." Jersey simply stated.
Canada had sighed and ran off towards the capital before NJ could stop him.

Also, just a warning, I already wrote the next chapter and yeaH a state dies cause they are stupid and ate a flower they saw in the woods.

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