chapter 4

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[ Movie 1- Cheaper by the Dozen ]

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[ Movie 1- Cheaper by the Dozen ]

[ Chapter Four ]

I WAS WALKING DOWN the stairs and my eyes widened at everything. Toys were littered on the floor along with clothes making me sigh, shaking my head before I spotted the sticky note. I turned my head to see Charlie still walking down after me.

"Can you read the note, Charlie?" I asked my brother who nodded his head as I headed toward the kitchen 

"'Hey, kids, I had to get to work. Lorraine and Kim, you're in charge of breakfast. Henry and Jake, lunches. Charlie and Jamie, handle drop-offs.'" Charlie read the sticky note before he slapped it against the wall

"Awesome." I muttered to my brother as we entered the kitchen but we found nobody since it was still early

"Who's taking who?" Charlie asked me curiously as he followed me inside the kitchen and sat on a chair

"I'm going to have to have the back seats up so they can all fit properly. You'll take Lorraine, Henry, and Sarah. I'll take Jake, Jessica & Kim, and Mark and Mike since they go to the same school while Kyle & Nigel are in the back." I informed my brother after thinking about for a few minutes


As I entered the parking lot for the school, I tried to find the car that belonged to Charlie. I grinned when I spotted the car and an empty space next to it before driving towards it. When I shut off the engine and grabbed my bag, I saw Lorraine and Charlie exit out of the other car.

"Come on, you two. We're gonna be late." Lorraine told us as I locked my car when I got out and glanced towards them

"You guys didn't have to wait for me." I reminded my siblings as I patiently waited for them to walk up to me

"Cute car seats, Baker." The jerk whose name that I didn't care to learn off commented as he walked past with his posse

"Thanks, they're for my kids." I plainly told him as I crossed my arms, staring at him with a raised eyebrow

"You know, she had to take our little brothers to nursery school if that's okay with you." Lorraine informed him with a glare 

"What happened? Did-did Mommy and Daddy go back to the farm?" The jerk asked us rhetorically as he placed his hands over his chest

"You know what? This whole "harass the hick" thing's getting old." Charlie admitted to the jerk as he closed his car door and marched right in front of him

"Actually, I'm just gettin' started." The jerk told Charlie as he looked down at him but there wasn't that much of a difference 

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