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The next two weeks went by unbelievably slow for the Black daughter

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The next two weeks went by unbelievably slow for the Black daughter. She felt herself becoming closer and closer to the Cullen's family while becoming more distant with the people she was once closest to. She had even been invited to La Push with her friends and then by her brother separately however she declined both invitations. Instead, she went to the Cullen's house almost every day.

Then, once it became warmer and the Cullen's stopped going to school for an unknown reason she quit going to some of her classes all together. Of course, she went to her cores however the other ones like drama and arts just became dull and uninteresting to her. She wondered exactly why she felt this way but no matter how hard she looked she couldn't exactly find the answer. Finally, one night, she got a call on the phone from Jessica, of whom she hadn't talked to in days.

"What's up, hottie?" She asked her friend.

"Nothing much, how about you?" Luna replied.

Jessica sighed "I'm kinda missing my best friend, Lune. To be honest I feel like you aren't around nearly as much. That's why I've decided to invite you to do something both you and I like doing... Shopping. Specifically for the dance at the end of the term which is only a few weeks away."

Luna couldn't help but smile "That'd be great Jess."

"Oh thank God... I thought maybe you would say no. We're going tomorrow night so you better be there. I'll pick you up at four." 

"I'll be waiting."

Luna hung up the whole when she heard a soft knock at her door. She told the person to "come in" before hearing them open the door, revealing Jacob. She smiled at her little brother and watched as he took a seat at the foot of her bed, looking awfully awkward.

"Hey." He said.

"What's up?"

The brother looked at her and said "I'm wanting to apologize for the way I've been acting. After that fight, we had I've been thinking about it a lot."

"What about it?" She asked him "It was nothing new."

"It just made me feel bad for the way I yelled and got upset." Jacob explained, "If really wasn't my place to do that and I'm only just realizing that now."


"I- I'm sorry." He told her hesitantly.

Luna smiled "It's okay Jake. Thank you for apologizing."

"Yeah." He nodded "So... Your dance that's going on at your school, you have a date?"

Luna couldn't help but laugh "Absolutely not."

"Why not? Is no one good enough for my older sister?" Jake asked.

"Maybe not that exactly." Luna shrugged "It's a lot more about the guys that I would ask but won't."

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