Chapter One

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Our hearts were uncertain.

There was no way of telling if they're alive and safe inside the portal. It was an excruciatingly long wait, with each second, the worry increased.

Too much worry that we didn't even want to think about it.

Hiro, please be alive.

Please be safe.

Like an answered prayer, as soon as I had said that last word in my mind, Hiro was right in front of us.

Hiro was right in front of us, not alone. He was with Callaghan's daughter. I expected him to look happy, that he had helped someone. I search for the answer as to why he looked gloomy.

My eyes darted around and realisation hit me. Hiro... He's not with Baymax.

One of us spoke up, asking the obvious. "Baymax?"

Hiro could only do as much as shake his head.

I went over to him and hugged him. It was one of those moments where words were unnecessary. You just, be there. Be the shoulder to cry on.

"Gogo?" Hiro waves a hand in front of my face. He snaps his fingers, startling me.

"Oh-uh, what?" I instinctively ask. I straighten my back.

"You've been, um, staring into space for the past five minutes," he says. "You okay?" He looks as me worriedly.

I mentally facepalmed, I've been daydreaming about that same day again.

"I'm completely fine," I answer.

"Daydreaming then?"

"You know it," I joke. I've been daydreaming alot at meetings and even at school. It's become a habit.

"Okay, so." He clears his throat. "What I was saying, Yokai's in jail, but he isn't the only criminal around here. We need some upgrades."

"Gogo," Hiro calls just as we all make our way to the door.

"Yeah?" I stop walking and turn to face him.

"Well... I need help on my project." He fidgets with his fingers.

I hear the door closing, everybody else had already gotten out.

"Hiro," I say, "You're a freaking prodigy. You can do it on your own."

"Not when I'm focusing on the upgrades." He beams at me.

"Alright," I give in. I cross my arms and give in an expectant look. "But..."

"Five cups of free coffee?"

I shake my head.


I shake my head.

"A lifetime supply of free coffee?"

I pretend to consider this and nod my head.

"No, I was joking! Aunt Cass could ground me my whole life." He furrowed his eyebrows, thinking of something. "What do you want?"

I don't really want anything, I was just messing with him. I think for a long time, then I constructed a plan. Aha!

I'll deliver Wasabi's. Then I go to Honey Lemon's place, I'll put Fred's suit along with hers. I'll pretend I'm in a rush and go home before Honey could see that Fred's is there, forcing her to go to Fred's place.

"Just let me deliver the upgraded suits when they're all done." I answer almost immediately.

"Just that? Well, okay."

The next thing I know, I'm walking up to Hiro's room.

"Hairy baby!" I hear that familiar (robotic) voice and I almost fall down the stairs, doubling over in laughter.

Hiro held on to the stair rail to keep himself from falling as he wheezed in laughter.

Baymax is still petting Mochi when we get up. "Hairy baby," Baymax repeated.

I write Hiro's project as he sketch down our new suit designs. He constantly asks me is this okay? and is that okay? while he jots down his ideas.

After a while, I see him staring in to space.

I get up and approach him.

"Hiro?" I wave a hand in front of his face. I snap my fingers. Just as how he did.

"Huh?" He jolts as if awoken, startled.

"Now you're the one daydreaming!" I chuckle and he chuckles with me.

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