Chapter 13- Bot Fighting! Again!

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Hiro's POV

"Forget about it."

Her words echoed through my head over and over, again and again.

I tried to hide the hurt look on my face as I walked down the streets.

Yep, you guessed it. Bot-fighting.

It was the only thing that would distract me from this cruel world.

I just passed by when I got up to where Yama was. I wanted to avoid them.

Then I went somewhere I didn't recognize, I just saw there were bot fights.

"Who wants to fight?" a man shouted just as the current fight ended. That man won. Reminds me of my first encounter with Yama.

I didn't say a word. I just went to the front, clutching my bot.

I dropped the innocent little boy tactic and won the first fight. The man wasn't like Yama, who almost beat me up after he lost to me.

For once, I felt at home.


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