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Gerard's P.O.V

Frank and Gerard have been friends for as long as Gee can remember, they only live two blocks away from each other so they have always walked to school together, and have always hung out at school, after school and on weekends, they are and have always been best friends.

Frank was a punk rock alpha that all the omegas wanted, whereas, Gerard was a quiet slightly emo teen that everyone assumed was a beta due to the vast amounts of scent blockers he consumed to stay safe at school. Gerard was a male omega, which was very rare and they're highly sought after due to the number of gay alphas, so he takes scent blockers just to be safe.

Gerard's brother Mikey, his Mother and his Father are the only people who knew of his true status, he trusted Frank but he had a habit of being a heartbreaker.

Every time Frank found an omega he wanted, he used his special skills and charm, as well as his strong alpha persona to woo the omega till they fell in love with him, once the omega falls in love, Frank no longer has any interest in them as the game to take their heart has been won.

That's why Gee hasnt told Frank, he's just too worried that if he finds out Frank will begin his game against him, and Gerards not sure he would be able to resist the attractive alpha he called his best friend, so Gerard intended to keep this fact away from Frank, Gerard believed that if Frank sought after him it would destroy their friendship and he didn't need Frank to take a bite of his heart.

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