💗 Chappy 44

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Pinky is calling shivay continously..so shivay decided to drop anika in her home..he found anika's address from her resume..
On other hand rudy became restless thinking about Anika..he took his bike and started to search for Anika..
Shivay carefully places Anika on front seat. He caressed her baby bump before putting seat belt.
He don't want to disturb her sleep so he drove his slowly as he could.
His eyes fell on ice cream corner.
He decided to buy ice cream for Anika..
Shivay enter into shop.

Sho-yes sir! What you want?
Shivay took menu card..he got confused with it.

Shiv-do one thing, pack all items.
Shopkeeper looks shivay amusingly before nodeing his head.

Shivay get in to car with Ice cream bags..

Shiv-baby, look I bought yummy yummy Ice cream for you and your mummy.
Shivay said in childish voice while caressing baby bump.
Baby kicked in joy.. shivay is hell scared..

Shiv-baby, don't kick otherwise your mom will kick me out of this car.shivay giggled and kissed anika's belly.

After 20 minutes of journey shivika reached anika's house..
Shivay carried Anika I bridal style and move towards her home.

Shivay pressed calling bell twice. But there was no response..
Shivay noticed lock hanging on the door. He hit his head for his stupidity..
Outside was so cold so, shivay covered Anika's body with his overcoat.
Accidentally shivay legs slipped in door mat. Luckily shivay did not fell down..he found key under the mat..
Shivay enter into house with Anika..first he switched on the lights..he placed anika comfortablely on sofa. Later he put ice creams on refrigerator.
He don't want to leave anika alone but pinky is calling him continously...so without any option shivay decided to leave the place..  he pecked anika's forehead, Anika smiled in sleep.
Later he move on to her baby bump. He pecked it too.

Shiv-ok baby,bye
Baby kicked.

Shiv-awww, sorry baby but now I have to leave..don't worry let's meet on tommorow..
Bye ...love u
Shivay again kissed her belly.

In oberoi Mansion.

Pin-ufff finally you are here?

Shiv-sorry mom!

Pin-its ok. Come and have your dinner..
Pinky dragged shivay to dinning area.

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