Chapter 5

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Next morning, I was awoken by the morning sun creeping in through the curtains. It was still early, around 7.30, but I felt awake. The window was slightly open and the air filled my lungs. Slowly, last night's events uncurled in my mind and my lips turned up at the sides. I stretched, still grinning and pulled myself out of the bed. Maybe I'll go for a walk... down to 207? See if anyone's up?  I thought, looking over at Mum. Golden light poured onto her hair and it shone, fanned out across the pillow like a halo. 

A gentle breeze rippled the white curtains and caressed my skin. Tom's tshirt was tucked over the back of the chair. Returning to our room with sopping wet hair and clothes, shivering in a too-big Tommy Hilfiger top that wasn't mine was met with a slightly questioning look then a grin. Mum could be so laid back sometimes. I was lucky.

I pulled my hair up into a ponytail and slipped on shorts and a vest top, grabbing Tom's top and a key. Before I left, I left a note by the kettle saying I'd gone for a walk so Mum wouldn't be worried.

Through the windows I could see the sky was blue, blindingly so, and filled with birds that burst from all corners. The lift moved slowly down the three floors and my reflection stared back at me. My skin was slightly tanned from yesterday's sun exposure and my hair had taken on a somewhat golden tinge in some places. My green-brown eyes looked wide and bright. I held Tom's shirt close to me. It still kind of smelled like him, as well as the pool water it has soaked up from my sodden skin yesterday. 

Only then did it really hit me. I was actually on my way to return borrowed clothing to TOM ABISGOLD, a boy I never even thought I'd even meet, after falling in a pool because he'd come to say hello. Why? Why would he even do that? And he said he thought he recognised me too. My insides squirmed and felt sort of bottomless and vast.

The lift's bell sounded and I stepped out. Still feeling that same empty-full way, I counted the doors as I walked. 204, 205, 206... 207. I listened, hand poised to knock. No movement. Stupid idea anyway, who the hell is up at quarter to 8?? 

Sighing, I turned around and began to make my way back up the corridor, but a split-second before I pressed the up button on the lift, a door creaked open. A bleary-eyed, messy-haired Tom stuck his head out. He grinned. "Heya."

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