Chapter 9

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Soon after, we pull ourselves out of the pool and sit on the side, legs still dangling in the cool water. The sun is still hot but low enough in the sky to cast long shadows behind us and send beams of orange light onto the rippling water.

Tom lies back onto the warm stone, sighing contentedly. I do the same, and he shuffles closer so our arms touch, his skin warm on my soaking body. "I love the sky," he says. I gaze up at it and it does look particularly beautiful, a deep sapphire with tinges of purple cloud. He turns his head towards me, his eyes squinting lazily. "Tell me about you." 

I laugh, still looking straight up. "There's not much to tell," I reply.

"Me neither." I frown slightly, wondering why he doesn't just tell me about Chapter 13 and why he's so embarrassed about it. "I bet there is," I say softly.

"I have a cat?" he says, grinning. "Elvis, she's a girl." I know. It's kind of strange how I know so much about him, but he doesn't know I know, nor does he know anything about me. But then again, there is so much more to him than it seems. Just knowing his favourite band, his Mrs Doubtfire obsession, his sister's name really doesn't mean anything compared to how much I've learned about him just from seeing him look at the sky.

"I have a cat too, and a hamster."

He sighs and I look at him. He's still got his eyes on me. "Sometimes words just aren't enough," he says. I wonder what he means. 

"So, Charlotte, from what I deduce, you're a reader, a swimmer and a thinker. You know, not a talker."

I dig my elbow in his ribs. "True. And you Tom, are a person who likes to creep up on me whilst I'm in a pool."

"True. And you aren't someone who gives too much away."

I ponder this. "True. And you like looking at amazing views because...?"

"I don't know. I guess it just makes me feel like nothing really matter. Makes me feel better."

We're still face to face, looking deep into one other's eyes. My insides are squirming again with that strange feeling, the one where hope marries disbelief. Sparkling water on his face glimmers and a gentle breeze tousles his damp hair. We're centimeters apart but it feels like nothing. Now I know why they call it eye contact. 

He knock my leg with his and turns his head back up to the sky. The pool is empty now; only us and the clouds and the sun know what is happening at this precise moment.

"We should get going," he says.

"We should."

I stand up but he stays still, looking at me with a tiny smirk on his face. Rays of sun are shining in his eyes. I sigh and shake my head at him, folding my arms and nudging him with my foot. "Stop it." 

"Stop what?" he laughs.

"I don't know. Looking at me."

He snorts then shuts his eyes tight. "Okay," he says, standing up.

"Revenge!" I shout triumphantly, shoving him into the water.

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