Chapter 13 (I'm sure this means something, I can't quite put my finger on it...)

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We wander over to The View. Shivers run up and down my arms and I step closer to Tom as an owl hoots and the wind rustles the hedges. A branch somewhere creaks and Tom jumps. "You really are a wimp," I whisper and he shushes me with a grin. I can't help being scared myself though. We shimmy through the leaves, knocking into each other and trying not to laugh. It's completely dark but I can still make out the lights of the town below, glinting in the moonlight. Tom's features settle into a peaceful tranquility again and he flops onto the damp grass. I sit down next to him, hugging my knees.

We stay there silently for a few minutes, listening to the shivering leaves and each other's breath. "Truth or Dare?" Tom says unexpectedly. 


"Biggest regret."

"Umm... not appreciating people while I can."

He looks at me and I return the stare for a moment, feeling a weird connection, like magnetism. "Truth or-"

"Truth," Tom replies quickly.

"Main ambition?" 

He thinks for a moment. I wonder if he's going to say something now about the band, but after a pause he says, "Something in music. Being able to make a living off it."

"You must be good then."

"I suppose. I just love it."

"I know, " I whisper without thinking, then quickly backtrack. "I mean... I can tell."

He laughs almost inaudibly under his breath. Oh gosh, does he know?  "Your go."

"Truth," I say automatically. I have a strong and uncharacteristic desire  to tell him everything, despite my usual reservation and shyness.

20 minutes later and we're still spilling our Truths to each other, in the darkness that just seems to be fading slightly the more we talk. We don't stop talking, even voluntarily giving information even if it wasn't a question. I only avoid one subject and that is Chapter 13. How could I have lied to him anyway? The dawn chorus begins, and we stop talking for a while, just listening to the birds. Way off in the distance, a sliver of orange appears above the coast, and slowly gets bigger and bigger, the patch of earth we are on gradually rotating closer to the sun. The sunrise bathes Tom's face in a soft glow and the beams of gentle light reflect in his eyes.

We stand transfixed, but then I sense his gaze on my face and turn to look at him. He steps towards me, a brief look of hesitation in his eyes which is quickly replaced by happiness as I edge closer still. I reach for his hand and our fingertips touch. He looks for a second at my lips then back into my eyes; I tilt my head up to reach his and my eyes flutter closed. And finally our lips meet.


A/N this felt so awkward to write I'm so sorry if it's cringe I had to make something actually happen at some point or this fanfic will never end jeez

and sorry it's been so long since the last one :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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