Chapter 3

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Damned you New Kid
I figured I should probably go for a walk before it gets dark. My mind was too busy to just sit down, and I was pretty sick of doing homework. I stood up and stretched.

"Okay, be safe dear!"
I waved and ran out the front door, headphones in, blaring music. I just wanted to have a look around the town... it wasn't so big, so maybe I could see it all before sundown!  I heard the jingle of spare change in my pocket... even more lucky! Maybe I can find a store or cafe or something....

I saw a park in the distance... now I understand I'm basically an adult... fifteen is close enough.. I guess, but I'm a whore for swing sets. They just make me feel so free-....

Is that... Cartman?
I took a closer look, trying to be as sneaky as possible. It took all I had to not burst into laughter. He was dressed so... so ridiculous! Was this his superhero persona? More like... like fursona!
I noticed Stan, Kyle, Kenny and a few other recognisable faces from school... huh, it's like every kid here is involved...
Maybe I should push away the city life and learn to live a little!... I dunno how I could put on a ridiculous costume though...


Shit... Kyle noticed me.

I pretended like I haven't been watching this superhero thing unfold for the past five minutes, whistling as I walked past the park, pretending I couldn't hear them through my headphones as I made my way down the street. Of course, Stan, Kenny and Kyle seemed to follow me.
"Hey New kid, you should come play superheroes with us! It can be fun if Cartman isn't being an asshole. I'm sorry- I meant to say The Coon." stan offered, but I was quick to refuse.
"You know I would love to but I'm actually busy trying to explore-"

"We can take you around town!"
"Yeah it will be totally awesome dude!"
"Mmmhmmm mmhm mm!"

Well... I could use some guidance... ah, what the hell.
"Sure! I could use some company anyhow"

And with that, they started to lead me around town. I got to see so many cool places!

Who knew such a small, shitty, overpopulated town could have so many cool places!
They had so many cool places to eat, like raisins, Freeman's tacos- and hey, I even found a cafe!
Tweek Bros Coffeehouse...
It smelt amazing in there! I wonder what was in the coffee to make it smell so appealing.
There was a kid wiping down tables,
"Can I go play now?"
He seemed to be begging his parents, wearing some weird headband with his apron.
'Wonder tweek' ah shit, he must be one of those superheroes too.

I got myself a hot chocolate, and went and sat at one of the tables as the boys talked to him.
Finally we left, and the boy was tagging along. Only for now though, as he apparently had other things to do.
The boys continued to show me all around town... it seemed like everyone knew everyone here. Like.. like no one ever has any real privacy... usually that would freak me out but.

I almost felt safer here.

Finally, one by one as the sun began to set people began going home.
Soon enough it was only me and Kenny.
"Where do you live?" I asked him, seeing him turn to look the other way.

"Mmmhm mmhm mmm hmph!"

"Ohhh, is that a far walk? Let me walk with you!" He seemed hesitant, but he let me accompany him for the walk back to his....

I didn't notice how dark it had gotten, all I knew was my mom was going to beat my ass.
I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.
-where are you hon?
-are you coming home?
-are you by yourself?
-have you been found?
-are you DEAD?!

I was quick to respond, so she didn't have a fit
-I'm by myself but I'm fine x on my way home now was just walking a friend home. I'm sorry I didn't notice the time <3

I could almost hear my mother sigh through text.
-I'm glad your okay :)
-get home soon so you can eat dinner, you must be starving after the big day you've had.

I tried my best to not get lost.... and soon enough I found my way back to my side of town. That's a relief.
My parents were quick to engulf me in a hug as soon as I walked in the door.
I didn't mean to worry them! I just... got a little bit sidetracked, that's all.
I actually ate dinner... Roast chicken and vegetables- a lot different from spaghetti! Maybe things were turning around for me!

I took a quick shower before getting into some comfy pjs, climbing into bed. For once, I was certain about something.

I liked it here in South Park.

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