Chapter 5

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Feeling like a Hero

Two weeks...

I have been here for two weeks... and lets just say its been very eventful. Most people still refer to me as the 'New Kid', but it feels more like a nickname at this stage then judgement so.. so I wasn't too worried. I was getting ready for bed, but my phone wouldn't stop going off. It couldn't have been too important right? Its probably just Wendy trying to start a fight again. She seemed to leave me alone after I shot back at her on twitter. She always seemed like the kind of girl who cant handle back what she dishes out. I finally decided to look at my phone, seeing about 20 missed calls from Kenny.. what could he possibly want? its late.

I decided to answer, and was instantly hit with frantic, inaudible speech full of worry.

I had to get him to slow down and repeat himself so I could understand him. Something about his sister going... missing? He was babysitting his younger siblings, and she disappeared when he went to the bathroom. He asked me to keep an eye out for her. I knew he was freaking out, probably because of the area he lived in.. either way, you would be worried too if your sibling just disappeared- I think. I don't know, I never had a sibling so I wouldn't be able to tell you truthfully. It just seemed to make sense I guess.

I promised him I would look out for his sister. Me and Kenny had gotten awfully close since I walked him home. He would sometimes let me come over, and I'd use my pocket money to order his family pizza! I knew he struggled with money, but as a person he was super funny and nice!... when you could make out what he was saying. I said goodbye and hung up, going to lay down. Something just didn't feel right, I couldn't get myself to fall asleep- feeling too afraid of what could happen to little Karen. I sighed shakily, standing out of bed and sliding on my coat. My parents would kill me if they found out I was leaving the house this late, but I wanted to help Kenny find his sister. well, I couldn't promise that, but I did tell him I would keep an eye out.. Its what friends do, right?

It was a bit chilly, but nothing I couldn't handle. I sent one of the other boys a text about what was going on, just in case they hadn't heard it. Any normal person would be asleep by now, so I wasn't expecting a response. Kyle would let the others know to keep an eye out. I probably walked around the dark, now semi-familiar town for half an hour. I was starting to get tired, about to give up before I noticed a small, familiar looking shape was curled up in the distance, near the park. I instantly sprinted over near the crouched figure under the slide, holding onto my coat tightly. The cool change of night had picked up rather quickly, and I regretted not bringing my hoodie as well.

"KAREN? IS THAT YOU?!" I called out to the small shadow as I ran in that direction. It must have been her, it seemed to look up at my voice. The shadowy person cam bouncing towards me, and as she got closer I noticed the tears streaming down her face. I was quick to wrap my arms around her, sheltering her from the cold with my coat. She sobbed and hiccuped, frantically trying to explain how It got dark after she went on a wonder and got lost in the dark. I stroked her hair, letting out a shaky breath. She shook in my arms. I didn't like how cold she felt. I hushed her frantic whimpers.

"Its okay dear its okay... Y/N's got you now, lets get you home.." I whispered, taking off my coat and sliding it over her small frame. She was hugging onto me tightly. I picked her up, putting her on my back as we began the hike back to Kenny's house. It took me a bit to figure out how to get there again, especially in the dark, but soon enough I found my way there. His parents were holding these tiny flashlights, searching all around the yard and calling out for her. She was asleep, I could feel her weak breath on my shoulder and it made me smile. I could see Kenny's shadow in the window, hunched over and shaking.. Poor guy. Stuart and Carol seemed to notice me, rushing over once they saw Karen's tiny figure on my back, snoring away. 

"Oh my goodness! Karen!" Stuart was quick to usher me into the small house, saying something about it being cold. I couldn't agree more, yawning softly. Kenny heard the commotion, and was quick to run downstairs. I looked up, making eye contact with the blonde.. he looked a lot different without his hood up- scruffy blonde hair, red puffy eyes from crying...he had the most shocked look on his face. I gave him a small smile, lowering Karen from my back and into my arms. My coat was about twice the size of her, but I didn't want to take it off of her. It was freezing, and she looked a lot more comfortable wrapped in the fabric. Stuart took her from my arms, taking her to bed. I reassured them that she could keep the coat, and that Kenny could just return it to me at school sometime. speaking of Kenny.... he just kept looking at me, almost with this hysterical look on his face, before wrapping his arms around me and hugging me tightly. I wasn't too used to hugs, but I guess I could accept it in this instance. He looked like he could use the hug.

"God, your a hero. your mother must be worried sick-" I hadn't heard Kenny's voice this clear befor-


I didn't think about that. I quickly grabbed my phone from my pocket, no missed texts or calls.. but I knew I would have a lot of explaining to do once I got home. Kenny's parents offered to walk me home, but I reassured them I'd be fine. They wrote an apology note for my parents, to keep me out of serious trouble. I thanked them, and rushed out the door after waving goodbye to Kenny. I got home about twenty minutes later, and my parents were in the living room pacing...arguing like most nights.

"what If they found Y/N?! our baby is gone forever!"

"Calm down honey, shes probably fine.."

"Its all your fault! I told you to fix the lock on the front door!"

I kind of just stared at them in the doorway until Dad noticed I was there. Waiting for the excuse, the punishment.. something.

"Oh hey champ where were you? your mother and I have been worried sick!"

I just gave them the letter, and went straight up to my room to sleep. I was exhausted, cold and irritated by my parents immaturity. They could yell at me tomorrow, right now I just wanted some sleep. I climbed into bed, almost instantly throwing the covers over me. 

I had never fallen asleep faster than I did that night.

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