Chapter 13

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Formal introductions

Dinner was prepared in the most amazing way. A nice big roast, lots of greens, mushroom soup...
Kenny looked absolutely amazed- never had he seen so much food on a table for family dining.
I held his hand sneakily under the table, giving it a gentle squeeze- silent words of reassurance being spilled.

My father was the first to talk,
"So Kenny.... what are your intentions with my daughter?"
I instantly choked on my food, chugging my glass of water.
"Dad, Don't interrogate him! We're just-"
"My intentions are nothing but pure, Sir." Kenny smiled charmingly, so very handsome..
I was in shock. Kenny was just.. being so honest. I could never say something like that- then again, I was known for making up excuses to get out of these sorts of conversations.

Anyhow, my dad seemed pleased by his response, picking at his food with a small nod and smile. My mother smiled at Kenny at I, probably just proud I had a... friend? They definitely knew by now, yes?
"So, are you two together or?" My dad seemed nervous himself to ask the question.

I rolled my eyes, as if it wasn't the most obvious thing. Kenny smiled proudly, lifting the hand that was holding mine to his mouth- kissing my knuckles ever so gently.
"Yes sir."
"Please, Marcus is fine" my dad smiled.. proudly. I haven't seen him smile like that in years.

I knew Kenny would receive the 'father' talk after dinner, and I was a bit nervous for that. My mother and I make small talk, nothing too different besides the fact Kenny had joined us.
Finally, after we all ate I got up and grabbed some empty containers, putting away some of what we had left for Kenny to take back to his family. My dad knew they were poor, but he didn't know that they were THAT poor. Hopefully that didn't influence him in any way.

My father asked to have a 'talk' with Kenny in private. That was scary.. I sat on the couch with mom, finally coming clean about Kenny's family issues and how messed up their house was. She told me she was proud of me either way, for making friends and giving him a chance. I smiled at that. My mom even offered to make extra food for him and his family. She was just a loving person- that's probably where I got it from.

Kenny finally came back, red faced walking with my now smirking dad. My dad had obviously said some things to embarrass him.
"Kenny Dear, would you like a lift home? It's late and I don't want you walking on your own" my mother chuckled, seeing his red face.
I got off the couch and gave Kenny a hug,
"I'll come with... she knows, don't worry." I whispered, reassuring him it was okay to say yes.

He hesitantly nodded,
"Yes please Ma'am." He smiled politely, grabbing his school bag. I grabbed his hand, leading him out to my mothers car. My father was already in the bathroom showering, so I didn't have to worry about him tagging along. This was the closest I had ever felt to my mom. We got in the backseat together, basically attached to each other as my mom started to drive.

She asked Kenny a few questions, just simple things like what he does for fun, what we get up to at school... normal parent conversations he doesn't get to have at home. I put the containers of still warm food in his backpack, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. Anything I could do to help his family was enough for me. It didn't take long until we reached walking distance to his front door. My mom giggled, putting her hands over her eyes to give us some privacy to say goodbye. He kissed my cheek, telling me he'd see me at the bus stop tomorrow before getting out of the car.

The drive home was silence- but not awkward. Usually me and my mom didn't get along very well. I didn't trust her with a lot, but for some reason she was being the most trustworthy when it came to my new relationship. She promised not to tell my dad about Kenny's living situation if I promised I'd tell her everything to keep me safe.

That was a fair agreement in my books.

We took quicker to get home then to get there, after mom knew the directions to and from. My dad must have already gone to bed, having to get up early for work. I got changed into fuzzy pjs, checking my phone once before climbing into bed.
There was only one text,

-Goodnight, love. <3
I couldn't help but smile at my phone.
-Goodnight Kenny. <3

The night went by like a blur, I barely remembered falling asleep, only waking up from being gently shaken by my mother. My father must have talked to her about the other morning, because my alarm clock was gone.

I have to admit, I prefer this awakening much more.
"Good morning angel, come on, you got to get ready for school so you can see your boyyyfriiend." She teased lightheartedly, making my eyes open wide.
"Mom, stop teasing!" I giggled, rubbing my eyes and sitting up.
"Get out so I can get dressed." I ushered her out, digging through my closet to find something decent- but not too dressy to wear.

I settled for a denim skirt, along with a black cami top and a blue flannel to go over the top. It didn't seem to be too cold outside, so I wasn't fussed. I did the bare minimum of makeup, and didn't even bother to fuss with my hair- dragging a brush through it to at least loosen the knots.

I ran downstairs to quickly eat breakfast, checking my phone to see a text from Stan, and one from Kenny. I opened the one from Stan first.

-Hey dude
-are you and Kenny together yet? ;)
-and are you coming to school today? I saw him walk you home again yesterday so I'm just asking

I rolled my eyes, leaving him on seen. If he wanted to know so bad, Kenny could tell them. I checked the message from Kenny next, smiling at my phone almost instantly. I couldn't help but let out a breathy laugh at his text-flirt attempt
Kenny McCormick ❤️
-good morning beautiful <3
-I hope your sleep was as nice as your butt x

Rolling my eyes, I decided to respond.
-yeah yeah okay
-good morning <3
-I'm walking to the bus stop now, come keep me company?

He was quick to text back, telling me he was on his way and to wait for him... it's not like I could go anywhere else. It wasn't long until I saw the familiar orange blob in the distance, I couldn't see his smile behind the fabric, but his eyes proved it was there.
I was quick to wrap my arms around him, giggling.
"Mmm mm mmm..." he hummed. he pulled the fabric away from his mouth.
"Damn, your gorgeous"
I couldn't help but blush, feeling the heat rush to my cheeks.

We were so lost in each other, we didn't even notice the boys laughter approaching from behind us. I finally gave him a good morning kiss, smiling against his lips.

"Woah guys, is that Kenny and Y/N?" Stan was the first to speak up, gaining our attention. My face went red. At the sight of Kyle approaching, Kenny seemed to tighten his arms around me, pulling me closer.
"So you guys ARE together. You left me on read this morning Y/N!"

"I know what I did" I snickered in response, shaking my head. Kyle just blankly stared at our happy silhouette...

Something told me this might cause an issue. I pushed aside the thought, letting myself just enjoy being in my boyfriend- and friends presence.

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