Clarity (Red Crackle)

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     Author's Note: I wrote this at 2am and forgot to post it here ya go!

   Happy reading!


    Graham couldn't understand why Carmen was so familiar to him.

Ever since that night they met at the opera house, he always had this warm feeling boiling in his chest when he was around her. It wasn't bad, god no it wasn't even close to bad, it unknown feeling, really.
But, it wasn't until New Zealand that Graham realized that feeling-love.

He loved Carmen.

Graham laid on the ground. Too weak to get himself up because he just fell from a glider in mid air. A glider that was controlled by Carmen herself.
Graham's memories then got jogged a little bit. He tossed and turned as he saw images of a young girl with tan skin and short red hair. She looked so similar to Carmen.

The girl, who he called Black Sheep in those flashbacks, called him Gray. The same name that..that Carmen called him.
Then, it all came flowing back into his head. He remembered everything.

VILE Academy, his friends, graduation, the caper in Morocco, the train..the night at the opera house. All of his memories were back. Including the ones of..Carmen.

Gray looked to his right and saw the woman in question. Carmen Sandiego. Black Sheep.
Gray remembers the last time he called her Black Sheep. He winced at the memory of trying to kill her. On a damn train.

After a little bit of struggling, Gray was finally able to get himself off the ground. He ran straight to Carmen's side.
"Carmen? Carmen?!" Gray whispered, shaking the woman's shoulders lightly. But to no avail.

"Black Sheep?"

Carmen's eyes immediately snapped open at the mention of her old code name. Her eyes swiveled over to Gray. Her grey-blue orbs wide with shock.

"How do you know that name?" She asked, sitting up.

Gray smiled down at her. "How would I not know the code name of my little sister figure?" He asked, knowing she would get it now.
Carmen blinked once. Then twice. And then she full on looked at him with realization.

"You remember." She said, looking down at the ground. "You got your memories back."
Gray nodded, smiling at her. "I do and I did. And..I know what you're thinking." He said, his brown eyes looking at the beautiful face, which didn't look back at him.
Carmen shot her head up to look at him. "You do?" She asked in surprise.

Gray nodded. "You think that since I have my memories back, I would go back to VILE. But you're wrong. I'm not." He said, his eyes suddenly glowing with determination.

"I decided I want to join you. I don't want to lose you again."

While that wasn't what Carmen was actually thinking, she still was happy to hear what he said.
Carmen launched herself at the man she loved and hugged him tightly. Burying her face into his shoulder.

"I don't want to lose you either." She said, her voice muffled by his jacket.

Gray couldn't take it anymore. He pulled away from the hug, much to Carmen's dismay. He learned in closer to Carmen.

"Gray? What're you-mgh!" Carmen was cut off when she felt Gray's warm lips smash onto hers.

Carmen melted into the kiss. Wrapping her hands around Gray's neck. And Gray wrapped his hands around her waist. Continuing to kiss her.
Their little moment ended up lasting for about fifteen seconds before Player's voice sounded from Carmen's comm-link earrings.

"Really, Red? Some people can hear, y'know!" The younger boy said, not liking all the mushy stuff that happens in life. Even if he knows he'll have to face it someday.

Carmen blushed slightly, but then she chuckled. "Sorry, Player."

While Carmen couldn't actually see Player right now, she could see him rolling his eyes.
"Whatever. Zack and Ivy were just notified of your..crash. You should meet up with them, since you have some explaining to do." Player said, while typing on his keyboard.

Carmen looked at Gray and then smiled. "Shall we?" She asked, holding out her hand to him.
Gray returned the smile. "We shall." He replied, taking her hand.

And together, hand in hand, the duo walked into the quiet and eerie night of Auckland, New Zealand.


   I know, I know, I SUCK at romance, but hey! I tried!

   Comments make the author happy! ^_^
   Please let me know what you think!

   Peace y'all!

  - Bree

Carmen Sandiego 2019 One-Shot BookWhere stories live. Discover now