Chapter 1

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| This story is inspired by "Band Of Huntresses". I recommend the story if you haven't read it yet. It's by Bookaholix |

Ruby POV 

I was replaying my song "Red Like Roses"  on my red electric guitar when I heard my phone ring. I pick up the phone and hear a bright and cheerful voice.

?: "Hi Sis"!

Ruby: "Hi Yang, what's up"?

Yang: "Just calling to see what your up to"

Ruby: "I'm writing my song right now"

Yang: "Cool! Can I hear it"?

Ruby: "It's not quite finished yet"

Yang: "That's fine, I'll hear what there is so far"

Ruby: "Um ok"

I put my phone speaker on and turn my amp up. I take a deep breath and start singing

I couldn't take it, couldn't stand another minute

Couldn't bear another day without you in it

All of the joy that I had known for all my life

Was stripped away from me the minute that you died!

To have you in my life, was I ever wanted

But now without you, I'm a soul forever haunted

Can't help but feel that I had taken you for granted

No way in hell that I can ever comprehend this!

Ruby: "Yea, that's about all I have"

Yang: "That was about mom, wasn't it"

Ruby: "Yea..."

Yang: "You wrote that song from your point of view, right"

Ruby: "I did"

Yang: "At least the beat isn't sad"

Ruby: "Thanks"

Yang: "I wrote a song too. It's about how awesome I am! Except, just the drums for a tune... it doesn't really sound all that great"

Ruby: "Let me guess, you want me to help with the guitar part"

Yang: "Yup"!

Ruby: *Sigh* "Fine"

Yang: "Thanks Rubes! Your the best"!

Ruby: "Yea, yea. Where are you anyways"?

Yang: "I'm in Vacuo right now, Shade to be more accurate"

Ruby: "Why are you at Shade"?

Yang: "A friend of mine asked me to fill in the drums since her drummer got sick, I'm playing a concert in 3 days"

Ruby: "Oh, ok. I'll take the next flight to Vacuo by next week, still need to pack and all"

Yang: "Thanks! I'll see you soon"!

Ruby: "Bye"

I hang up and get up from my spot. I put Crescent Rose back in her case and walked over to my closet.

(For those of you who are confused, crescent Rose is Ruby's guitar)

Ruby: "What to bring"?

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