Chapter 5

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Yang POV

Knock Knock

Yang: "Come in"

Ruby opened the door and walked in. She pulled over a chair next to my bed and sat down.

Ruby: "Yang...are you ok"?

Yang: "I'm fine, just...annoyed at I couldn't stop Blake from leaving me"

Ruby: "...I never knew that you dated come you never told me"?

Yang: "...I...I wasn't sure how you would react if you knew that I was dating...a girl..."

Ruby: "Yang...I'd never judge you for your sexuality, you can like whoever like! Date whoever you want to date! Except for maybe abusive people, don't date them until I've made sure their good"

Yang: "Haha...I won't, I promise"

Ruby smiled at me and Weiss peeked in from behind the door.

Weiss: "So, is it safe for me to come in here now"?

Yang: "Why wouldn't it be"?

Weiss: "It's just...I didn't know how to...handle talking to you, when you were like that"

Yang: "Like what"?

Weiss: "Your eyes were red, and I don't mean like from crying. I meant like they were completely crimson red"

Ruby: "Ohhh...Yea...We forgot to tell you. Yang's eyes turn red whenever she's mad or pissed.

Weiss: "That's...weird"?

Yang: "It's just a part of me that people find weird. Don't worry bout it"

Weiss: "Umm, ok"


Ruby: "How about we go out today and get some fresh air"

Yang: "That sounds nice, we should go visit CVFY's cafe"

Weiss:"CVFY? Sounds familiar..."

Ruby: "You don't know of them? They are one of the best bands in the world! They've been on world tours and have been on T.V"!

Weiss: "Ohhh, now I remember"

Yang: "Yea, and just so happens that me and them have been friends since High School, so let's go"!

~At The Cafe~

Coco: "Welcom- Oh hi Yang"!

Yang: "Hey"

Coco: "Who's that? Never seen her around here"

Yang: "This is Weiss, our newest band member"

Weiss: "Pleasure to meet you"

Yang: "And I'm sure you remember Ruby, my lil' sis"

Coco: "Course I do! It's been quite some time Ruby"

Ruby: "It has! How's Gianduja"?

Coco: "Haha, I see that you still have your weapon obsession strong. Gianduja's great, I make sure to check her strings everyday"

Ruby: "That's great! Can I see it"?

Coco: "Maybe later"

Ruby: "Awww..."

Yang: "She said later sis, cheer up"

Ruby: "K..."

Yang: "We'll have a seat at the counter, Coco"

Coco: "Sure, right this way"

We walked up to the front counter and took our seats.

Velvet: "Hi Yang, Ruby, and..."

Weiss: "Weiss Schnee"

Velvet: "And Weiss"

Yang: "I want the usual please"

Velvet: "Strawberry sunrise, no ice, no alcohol, and one of those little umbrellas"

Yang: "Thanks"

Ruby: " of milk with cookies"!

Velvet: "You got it! And you Miss Schnee"?

Weiss: "Coffee in a teacup please"

Velvet: "Of course, your orders will be here soon"

Velvet left to make our drinks and we talked for a while.

We talked for about a few minutes when we heard Coco

Coco: "Welcome to CFVY's caf-"

We turned around and saw the door shut and a faunus running away from the shop.

Coco: "What the"?

Weiss: "Was that"?

Ruby: "I think it was..."

Yang: "Blake"

Ruby POV

Yang quickly ran out of the cafe and chased after her.

Weiss: "Should we follow"?

Ruby: "...No...we have to let Yang do what she has to do"

Velvet: "Thank you for waitin-...Where's Yang"?

Weiss: "Let's just say...she's on a cat chase"

Ruby: "You can have her Strawberry Sunrise, Velvet"

Velvet: "?"

Yang POV

Yang: "Blake! Would you let me explain"!?

She ignored me and kept on running. She ran into a alleyway that was a dead end, but I guess she didn't know that. I followed her into the alleyway and saw that she had just stopped for second and I took my chance. 

I quickly bolted up to her and grabbed her wrists, and pushed her against the wall.

Yang: "Blake! Why won't you listen to me"!?

Blake: "..." 

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