Chapter 6

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Weiss POV

Weiss: "You think they're alright"?

Ruby: "They'll be fine"

Weiss: "You sure"?

Ruby: "...You know what"?

Weiss: "What"?

Ruby: "A long time ago, Yang told me that if I'm ever in trouble or in need of help. She'll be there for me"

Weiss: " wouldn't you also want to be there for her now"?

Ruby: "I do. But this is a problem that I can't help her with...she and Blake will figure it out. Staying out of their way is the best way that we can help"

Weiss: "...I guess..also how many more cookies are you going to order"?

"Hm"? said Ruby with a cookie in her mouth.

Weiss: "Ugh"

Blake POV

Yang: "Blake! Why won't you listen to me"!?

Blake: "..."

Yang: "If you still hate me, that's fine"

Blake: "No wai-"

Yang: "I'm sorry. I know that you were really hurt when you saw what happened."

Blake: "Yang-"

Yang: "But please! Believe me when I say that I didn't mean to ever hurt you! And that kiss?! That bitch forced it on me! I never wanted to hurt you, I never loved anyone other than yo-"

Blake: "YANG"!

Yang was startled by my sudden outburst, I don't blame her. But she had to hear what I had to say!

Blake: "Yang, it's been like 5 years since that. And you know what? I don't hate you at all! I never said I did, did I? No, I didn't"

Yang: "Wha?"

Blake: "I hate myself! I hate myself for leaving you! I hate myself for ever breaking up with you! I hate myself for being so stupid wen I saw you guys kiss! But you know what?!"

Yang: "Blake.."

I could feel tears streaming down my face

Blake: "I knew that I loved you more than anyone in the world and I know that I don't deserve you. It was stupid of me to break up with you for such a stupid reason....I hope that you can forgive me"

Yang looked at me, but it wasn't hatred in her eyes. It was sadness.

Yang POV

I didn't know...

All these years...I thought that I was the one at fault and that Blake must've hated me

But I caused her more pain than I thought

Why Blake?

Why didn't you tell me before you left?

Yang: "Blake..."

Blake: "I understand if you don't love me anymore. I mean why would you? I caused you so much pain and sorrow"

Yang: "Blake, I love you"

Blake: "What"?


Blake shook when I yelled

I leaned my head on her chest

Yang: "All these years, I thought that I was the one who caused you pain. But now I see...that I've messed up so much to make you cry once again because of me. I still love you Blake. I never once stopped loving you"

Blake: "Yang..."

I gripped her arms and looked her in the eyes

Yang: "Let me tell you this...I don't forgive you for anything"

Blake: "...Of course you wouldn't. I don't blame you. I mean why would yo-"

Yang: "I don't forgive you...because I don't think you have anything that I need to forgive you for"

Blake: "Yang..."

Yang: "Which is why I want to say...that I'll always love you no matter what"

Blake: "Yang..."

Blake's tears started coming down faster and she cried and cried in my arms for a long time. I was happy that I finally found out what she was feeling this entire time.

Ruby POV

I walked past Weiss's room while she was playing her keyboard and decided to listen to what she was playing.

She seemed to be playing a melody and it sounded.....sad

When she finished. I walked into the room clapping as I did. She turned around surprised to see me.

Weiss: "R-Ruby! long were you standing there?"

Ruby: "Long enough. That song..."

Weiss: "Was it bad? I-I don't usually have an audience."

Ruby: "No...I liked it. You have a beautiful voice, but..."

I walked past her and picked up the sheet papers

Ruby: "Why are the lyrics so sad"?

Weiss: "...It's no reason. I just...write sad songs I guess"

I knew that she was lying. She wasn't looking me in the eye.

I sat on her bed and gestured her to sit next to me.

Ruby: "I bet the girl that this music represents must be really sad...."The Path To Isolation" ? I wonder what her life must be like"

"Well", Weiss said as she sat down next to me.

Weiss: "Her life was a lonely one. She was a princess, a princess that everyone loved and cherished. But that was nothing. She only did what her father wanted. Like a puppet that had no choice but to get strung along to the strings that she was bound by. She had no one. It had gotten to the point where she couldn't even recognize her own reflection...her loneliness was quite pitiful if you ask me"

Ruby: "I see..."

Weiss: "Sad right?"

Ruby: "...Weiss?"

Weiss: "Yea"?

Ruby: "You know that I consider you a friend right"?

Weiss: "Wha-"

Ruby: "You're my friend, remember that. Your not alone. I won't let you be ever again"

Weiss: "Really"?

Ruby: "Yea"!

Weiss: "...Thank you Ruby"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2021 ⏰

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