Willa: " who has it and why?"
Me: " I can't tell you, besides you can't do anything!" I said worriedly.
Willa: " Eva, please"
Me:" fine, remember when I asked you if you saw any red eyes?"
Her: " yes?"
Me: " well, it was him and his name is... Reverse flash, and he's dangerous and a Meta-human "
Wynter: " a Meta-what?"
Me: " it's a long story, I'll explain later"
Wyatt: " but you can't go on your own, you said it yourself, it's dangerous."
Me: " don't worry about me, I know how to survive."
Willa: " you don't even know where he is"
Me: " me, no but he can," I said pointing behind them at Cicada that was waiting for me to go.
Willa: " I thought you didn't need company"
Me: " I don't, he's the back up"
I said and left with Cicada to find him.Henry's P.O.V.:
I was about to go back home when someone hit me at the back of my head and fell down.
Everything went black, and when I was alone, it seemed I had come here before.
Finally, someone come and took off the blindfold I was wearing. When I looked at his face I couldn't believe that it was him. But he wasn't alone someone else was here too.
Me: " Hello?"
Him: "I see you woke up, my grandson"
Me: " Grandpa, what's going on?"
Him: " wait, until your sister come"
Me: " Isabella?"
Him: " no, the other"
Me: " what Eva did again?"
Him: " Oh, you'll see, I think that in a minute she would be here"
We waited and waited and then she came. Then the other guy that had kidnapped me come outside while my sister was walking towards me.
Her: " Henry, are you okay?"
Me: " only if I knew why I'm here"
Her:" he still my portfolio"
Me: "wait what?"
Reverse-flash: " you have pictures of me and I want to know why"
Her: " fine, if you go outside you'll learn," she said.
And so he did, and then my grandpa untied me.
Me: "I'm sorry but can you explain please?"
Her: " We have to go, I'll tell you later"
After we were already outside our home, we saw lights inside while everyone was at Granny's................
Eva's P.O.V.:
I quickly opened the front door and went inside to face the Werewolves.
Me: " what are you doing here? " " and how did you come inside?"
Willa: " after you left we find out that you lied to us."
Me: " how?"
Bizzle: " they come to me, and asked if I knew about the photos"
Wynter: " why did you lie to us?"
Me: "I didn't, I had to do it, so you could be safe"
Bizzle: " what did you do?"
Me: " don't pretend you don't remember" " we both had to do it"
Him: " wait for a second, you mean.."
Me: " yes to catch Reverse-Flash, Cicada told me that he would help me"
Him: " did it work?"
Willa: " wait, it was all a big plain? to catch that guy"
Me: " yes, and it worked"
But suddenly the lights went off, and everyone saw the werewolves glowing eyes.
Henry: "I don't think it worked, sis"
Willa: " come behind us, we will protect you"
Me: " don't need it I'm going outside," I said and my eyes glow blue like the fireballs in my hands.
Everyone was shocked, by what they just saw. Thankfully it was just the weather, that make them close, so I went back inside. But everyone was now afraid of me, cause no one knew that I had magic.
Willa: " what are you?" she said scared.
Me: " you don't need to be afraid, I'm just a witch"
Her: " so, you have magic?"
Me: " well, not too much but yeah."
Rumpelstiltskin: " would you like to make it bigger?"
Me: "I'm sorry but I can do it on my own"
Him: " are you sure, your mom learned from the best, me" *he said while doing his signature move with his hands.*
Me: "I'm not my mom, and why are you still here? I thought you will go to find Belle"
Him: " oh, right I... I forgot to give you this." he said and gave me the book of portals.
Me: " wait, you want something in return right?"
Him: " well, only to be your teacher."
Me: " Fine, but I'll make the rules"
Him: " fine," he said and left.
After he left, I and Bizzle sit down and opened the book of portals, that Rumple had given me.
We both thought that he had lied, but we were wrong.
Me: " oh my god, he wasn't lying"
Bizzle: " yeah I can see that"
Me: " We have to go now"
Him: " Woah, we still have school tomorrow remember? besides what about the wolves here"
Me: " oh, right I forgot sorry"
Willa: " it's fine, we have used to it"
Wynter: " yeah, we are always outsiders, so were good"
Me: " wait really?"
Willa: " don't worry about us". *she nod*Suddenly i got a message from my sis and she was saying that they where coming.
Me: " oh, no you have to leave my family is coming and hey don't like when i lie to them"
Bizzle: " okay, see ya at school"
Me: " okay"
When i was lone at home, i went upstairs to my room and put the book inside my school bag , so no one could steal it. I heard them coming inside the house, and i went to do my regular night routine. Mom come to check on me , while i was in the shower, so she had to wait for me to finish.Finally, i went outside of my bathroom ready to sleep.
Mom: " hey, i just come to check on you, cause your uncle told me that you keep ask questions."
Me: " yeah, about that, what you hide from us mother" i asked.
Her: " what do you mean?"
I went to my closet, and pick up the arrow that i had hide inside.
Me: " do you know what that is?"
Mom: " where did you find that? she said like she knew something i didn't.
Me: " Bizzle find it and i'm pretty sure that it means a lot to you right? "
Her: " okay, i think it's time for you to sleep it's late"
Me: " so you change the theme now" " whatever it is i will find out and the you will talk about it"
But when i said that she had already left, and she didn't heard me. After that i went to sleep.

Eva Queen
FantasyThis is a story about the girl that learned that you don't have to change who she is to be accepted. (If you want to add my story to know when I will post the next chapters) Plz, vote it means a lot to me 🙏❤ ( is also a fanfiction from the movies a...