At lunch, I didn't know where to sit, so I sat alone...
Then some girls came up and sat next to me.
Girls: "Hi, what's your name?" they asked all with a kind note on their voice
Me:" I'm Eva... Eva Queen" I said with a curious note on my voice
Girl:"My name is Emily Hook , that's Alisha Hatter and that's Alexandra Witch."
Girls:"nice to meet you" they all said at once.
Me: " same ."
After that introduction, we all sheared about ourselves to each other.
Then the bell rang ,and we went to our last lesson..
When I got in the classroom I looked for a seat , when I found one... unfortunately someone beat me there ...
Yes,it was again that "Charming" boy.
I sat somewhere else and I was waiting for the hour to pass.
The last bell finally rang and we all got up and we started leaving.
Bizzle's pov:
Today it was the worst day of my life. I mean, I just met one of the daughter's of our family's enemy. And if u ask about her name well.... its Eva,Eva Queen.
When I saw her in the first period ,I was like " god plz not her" ,I mean she's the worst of all the villain kids .
Anyway, hi my name is prince Bizzle Charming the second, and my parents are Snow White and Prince Charming. I also have and two siblings... Their names are Erik Charming and Evangeline Charming..
Eva's Pov:
The next day, I wake up and I went to the bathroom to do my regular routine. After that I went to my closet to find what to wear , it was already 7:00 am so I had a lot of time to prepare for school. So I put on my outfit , took my bag and I headed downstairs.
I finished my breakfast and I waited for my new friends to come so we could go to school.
When we passed the first door in the school we saw something that we didn't want to see . The boys, and their leader , Charming!.
Me: " who are they ?" I asked
Emily: " Well, the one in the left with the cool style, is John Sparrow the son of Jack Sparrow and the one in the right is my brother, Brandon Hook"
.......Today, I have only the first two hours with the "Charming" boy, so I'm really calm right now.
First period:
I walked towards my locket to take my staff as I had Math. I went inside the classroom and as always I sat beside Bizzle. After some minutes the teacher came and we started the lesson. Then Bizzle started talking to me.
Bizzle: "Hello, Queen"
Me: "Charming!" i said with an annoyed tone in my voice.
Bizzle: "so.... how you're doing?"
Me: " what do you want Charming?"
Bizzle: "I want you to deliver something to your sister from my brother"
Me: " what do I get from it?"
Teacher: " you two over there stop talking.now"
Me: " whatever"
After that we stopped talking and we paid attention to the lesson.
With the sound of the bell ringing, I got up , grabbed my stuff and headed to my locket.
I took my Anatomy book and I waited for the bell to rang again.
When it finally did, I went to my class and again I sat beside"Charming" boy.
He was really silent.
So after the first two hours, me and the girls, went outside at the garden and we sat in the grass.
After some minutes ,we turned around to see who else was there but nobody was.
In a few minutes ,my nightmare came along with his friends. After a while I turned to them and I saw a girl talking to Charming brother. Then from her style, I recognized that it was my sister. 0When the bell rang,I got up and I went to my locket to prepare for the next hour.

Eva Queen
FantasyThis is a story about the girl that learned that you don't have to change who she is to be accepted. (If you want to add my story to know when I will post the next chapters) Plz, vote it means a lot to me 🙏❤ ( is also a fanfiction from the movies a...