Everyone was quiet until the food came. We all started talking to each other, about unrelated subjects. I was sitting across from her, and couldn't do anything.
Eva's P.O.V:
I was eating my food, and got another text from Bizzle.
Him: " hey"
Me: " what, let me eat"
Him: " you don't know?"
Me: " what?"
Him: " now ew have and them to worry about, not only Cicada "
Me: " what do you mean, they don't do anything, they just came to our town so?!"
Him: " are you sure they're not a problem to our mission?"he said and started to stare at them. Then I left my phone, and while I was finishing my food, I was also staring at them so he could calm down. One of the werewolves was sitting across from me, and he was acting weird. I decided to talk to him, to see what he'll do.
Me: " aren't you the one from the Mall, from this evening?"
Wyatt: " ah, yes"
Me: " Wyatt, right?"
Him: " what?"
Me: " isn't that your name?"
Him: " Oh, yeah that's my name"
Me: " so are you guys, staying at Granny's?"
Him: "I think so, Bucky plan this"
Me: " and how many days are you staying?"
Him: " why you ask so many questions, want to see me again?" he said with a smirk.
Me:" I'm just trying to be friendly here, if you want you can tell me if you don't I'll stop"
Him: " okay, chill I'm just kidding"But before I could say something, Snow stood up and told me to go with her to the kitchen to take the dessert. While we were walking, she started telling me to don't start a fight with them.
Me: "I was just trying to be friendly, I didn't do anything," I said and got mad.
Her: " Hey, why don't you go outside to take fresh air?" she said.
Me: " Fine, but I'll go from the front cause there is our car"
Her: " good and I'll tell them something."
And so I did, I went outside so they could see me that I was upset. But, unfortunately, I forgot to take my jacket............
Wyatt's P.O.V.:We saw Eva coming out of the kitchen, but she wasn't okay and everyone was worried that something happened there. Snow came outside with some plates and told us that she needed some fresh air.
Snow: " oh, she forgot her jacket, and it's cold outside, can someone give it to her?"
But no one cared about it, so I had to go.
Me: "I'll go," I said and everyone was starring at me.
I went outside and closed the door, but she wasn't even there, so I started to walk towards the road with the lights, hoping that I could find her. A long time passed, but still nothing so I had to find her in my own way. I put back my moonstone and started smelling her jacket. Finally, I found her outside of Granny's drinking some hot cocoa.
But before I could change back to a human, some people saw me with my true self and started yelling " werewolves" all over the town. Then she turned around and saw me.
Her: " Wyatt?"
Me: " Hey, um you forget your jacket, and I thought you may need it" " so here," I said and gave it to her.
Her: " did she tell you to come?"
Me: " well, she told to everyone, but no one cared, so I thought that you may be cold."
Her: " oh,....well thanks"
Me: " so, I guess I have to go to Granny's, only if I knew the way"
Her: "let me take you, I also need to go home cause mom will kill me otherwise"
Me: " wait really?"
Her: " well yeah, shall we" she said and we started walking towards, Granny's Bed & Breakfast.
Eva's P.O.V.:
Me: " well, here we are Granny's Bed&breakfast"
Him: " I guess, I'll see you again?"
Me: " well, it's Sunday probably you will"
Him: " hmm, good" then Granny opened the door and asked us what we wanted.
Granny: " yes?"
Him: " I'm Wyatt, my friends and I had booked here some rooms" "do you have any left?"
Granny: " oh, yes please coming"
And then we both said "bye" and left.
I had finally arrived at my home and went inside from my window, so no one could wake up, from the noise of the door. but as I closed it, a text came to my phone.Bizzle: " hey, are you ok?"
Me: " hey, good you?"
Him: "I asked cause mom didn't tell me what really happened in the kitchen before you leave"
Me: " oh, I was just a little dizzy, and that's why I went for a walk"
Him: " yeah, and then the other guy followed you behind"
Me: " yeah, I forgot my jacket behind and he told me that your mom asked everyone to bring it to me, but no one volunteer, so he did it"
Him: " yeah I didn't want to leave my house with those monsters"
Me: " what, monsters?"
Him: " the others were zombies"
Me: " wait what?"
Him: " yep zombies"
Me: " no we do need to know why they're here, they may destroy our mission or worst they going to eat our brains," I said with a laughing emoji.
Him: " Oh, so you make fun of me?"
Me: " of course I do, they are not monsters, and if they are so what?!"
Him: " whatever, I'll see you tomorrow to discuss Cicada"
Me: " fine, see ya"
then I closed my phone and went to change in my pajamas.

Eva Queen
FantasyThis is a story about the girl that learned that you don't have to change who she is to be accepted. (If you want to add my story to know when I will post the next chapters) Plz, vote it means a lot to me 🙏❤ ( is also a fanfiction from the movies a...