This is a story about the girl that learned that you don't have to change who she is to be accepted.
(If you want to add my story to know when I will post the next chapters)
Plz, vote it means a lot to me 🙏❤
( is also a fanfiction from the movies a...
Finally, we arrived to the town, but we still had to go to the hotel. After some time we were there, and everyone took they're stuff and went inside to they're rooms. I was roommate with Emily and Willa. Our room was big enough and we had and a launch area. We unpacked our stuff and went downstairs to have dinner. We sit down with the wolves and started talking until the food come.
After we eat, we went to sleep cause we had to go at beacon hills high tomorrow, and then to entire town. While i was going to my bed someone knocked the door, and i went to see who it was.
Me: " who is it?" Her: " it's me Wynter, with Addison" " can we come in?" Willa: " yeah wait a second" he said and i opened the door. The girls come in and I closed the door behind them. Suddenly, my phone rang so I had to go to the hallway to answer it. Me: " hello?" Unknown: " Is this Miss Queen?"a familiar voice said. Me: " yes, who's this?" Unknown: " come outside of the hotel now" he said as he didn't have time. Me: " okay I'm coming" I said and left with out saying anything to the girls. When I went outside, there was no one there. I waited for some time , until someone will come.
It was freezing outside , and i forget my jacket in the room. Then finally someone come, and i tried to see clearly, and it was exactly who i was expected to be. The one and only Reverse-Flash. Me: " oh,no what are you doing here?" Him: " well, look who i found" he said angry. Me: " wait, you called me?" Him: " why would i call you?!" Me: " anyway, what do you want now" Him: " well, i'm here to find someone and now i found someone else" " someone who is a liar"he yelled at me. Me: " sh, they will here you , and they'll learn what you are, besides you tried to kill my brother i had to" Him: " i see your point, anyway i have to leave, see ya around" he said and left.
After that i called back the unknown call ,but the phone wasn't ringing at all. So i went back inside my room. When i opened the door, i saw that the girls was terrified cause they saw me talking to Reverse-Flash, and they thought that we were planing something.
Me: " what's going on?" Emily: " we saw you talking to the guy you said you catch" Will: " why you were talking to him?" Me: " woah, i got a phone call that told me to go outside, and i did" " i didn't know that he escape from Cicada" Wynter: " then why did you talk to him? and why you didn't told us?" she said with a cracked voice ready to cry. Willa: " Wynter come here" Me: " i didn't know who was calling me, i tried to call the number but nothing" Emily: " wait you mean that no one is pick it up?" Me: " no like it doesn't exist at all" i said worried.
Then the girls left, cause we had to wake up early. We woke up early and started dressing up.
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We finished our food, and went to the school. When we went inside, everyone was staring at us, but no one said anything. After some hours we finished from the school , and we become teams and went to the woods to do a photography project. Me and the werewolves, we ended up going to an abandoned house that it seemed to had been burned up.
Willa: " where are we?" Wyatt: " is a house, i don't know how we came here" Me: " wait i think someone is inside, look over there" i said pointing a window. Willa: " he's gone" but then we hear howls. Me: " wait, are those werewolves?" Wynter: " more werewolves? well that's new" And before we know it, we were surrounded from them. Me: " woah... we didn't want to come here were just lost" Wynter: " yeah, we didn't know were we going" Willa: " wolves, on my combat"
Then a boy come and howl really loud, and make the others to turn around.
The boy: " stop, you can't hurt them, they are not from here" Me: " i'm sorry, who are you guys?" The boy: " well, that's a good question" " I'm Scott and those are Derek, Peter, Isaack and this is my friend Stiles." Me: " I'm Eva , Eva Queen Mills, and this is Willa , Wynter, Emily and Wyatt." Stiles: " wait are you the daughter of the Evil Queen, Regina Mills?" Me: " you know my mother?" i asked worried.
Stiles: " i just have hear her name that's all" Willa: " anyway , we need to go, cause they will start looking for us" After an hour we were back at the hotel, but no one was there so we waited. I start doing my photography project, and so as everyone else. Then i hear the wolves talking to each other. Willa: " there are werewolves here too" Wyatt: " yeah, we should try to find the alpha" Wynter: " but the town is too big we don't have a lot of time to do that" Willa: " i think Wyatt should talk to Eva now that they're friends" Wyatt: " we are not friends Willa , i'm nice to everyone" Willa: " just go" Wyatt: " fine" so he did. He come behind me , and before he could ask i got up and told them about the mission. Me: " okay , i have to tell you why we are here " Emily: " what do you mean, we're here for a school trip." Me: " well, that's what everyone thinks, but is a disguise" Willa: " what are you talking about?" Me: " well, it all started when....." and i keepet to explain to them. After a long time , i finally come to today. Me: " and now we're here in today, and Reverse-Flash is now in this town , and trying to find someone, but I don't know who and why" Emily: " so , he followed us ?" Me: " well, no he came alone" Her: " but I thought that Cicada caught him" Me: " yeah, as you can clearly see, he escaped, and now we have to stop him" Then we all went downstairs to see if anyone come, cause we were all alone at the hotel, even other people had left and we were worried about it. We started panicking, and didn't know what to do. Wynter: " where is everyone?" Willa: " I don't know, that's weird" Me: "wait, is there a chance that he might have captured them?" Willa: " if has I will kill him" Me : " no you can't, his a speedster no one can expect the Flash" Wyatt: " who's that?" Then Barry come inside with his suit. Barry: " I am the Flash" Me: " hey, can you find him?" Him: " only with the help of my friends" Me: " okay, so where are they?" Him: " in Central City" Me: " oh.. then what else can we do?" Him: " does anyone know anything about hacking ?" Emily: " well , i'm the best" Him: " good cause you need to make a signal, so Cisco could find him." ........