This is a story about the girl that learned that you don't have to change who she is to be accepted.
(If you want to add my story to know when I will post the next chapters)
Plz, vote it means a lot to me 🙏❤
( is also a fanfiction from the movies a...
I woke up in the morning with the sound of my clock ringing beside my bed table. I get up Quickly and dressed up. I was going to wear a leather outfit today to remember to everyone that once a villain always a villain.
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After I finished , I went downstairs to have breakfast. When i finish it , i got a new message from the girls and went outside to wait for them. We finally arrived at the school and we ran inside as we were late once again.
I knock the door and went inside, but everyone was starring at me of what i was wearing. Then the teacher told me to sit down with out talking. It was quite until the bell rang and everyone left from the classroom. When i got out of the classroom i went to my locket to take my next book.
Suddenly the principal shouted my name from the microphone, causing the whole school to hear it. And that made me anxious about it, cause i had no idea what i had done. I went as fast i could and waited outside of his office , until he calls me inside. I entered and then he told me to follow him to the theater, that some people were waited inside.
Me: " um, excuse me but what did you wanted me?" Principal: " come and you'll see" We entered and everyone i knew was there and waited. I sit down next to the girls and the principal went up on the stage of the theater.
Principal: " thank you all for coming" " as you know we never did something for the students to thank them for effort that they doing" " well this year we have design a trip for all of you " he said while he was watching at the students that was in here. Principal: " and when i say "we" i'm talking about me and the principal of the Seabrook high" P. Lee: " the trip that we make is about the projects that all of you have already make, from photography to everything else" " the town that we are going is called * drum roll* Beacon Hills"
While everyone else was happy about it me and Bizzle we looked terrified at each other, without anyone notice. Then i opened my phone and text to him, cause that was weird.
Me: " isn't that odd , that after we catch Reverse-Flash we are going to a trip in the city we wanted to go?" Him: " you think is a trap?" Me: " isn't it obvious? think about it" Him: " i think we should be prepared for anything" Me: " yeah" i said and look up to see the principal starring at me. P. Lee: " okay , so everyone go to your places and in an hour we will come back here to start the trip. You don't need a lot of stuff with you so do it quickly." .............. After an hour we were already at school, and waited the busses to come and take us. I went to the girls and tell them to be carefully, cause they also knew about it. Eventually the busses came and we all went inside to both of them. I was siting at the back so i could see if someone was following us, and besides me it was Willa, Wynter and Wyatt and they were checking too.
Willa: " what you checking all the time?" Me: " to see where we are" i quickly lied. I didn't have to tell her the true, that i'm worried if someone was following. I mean they don't even know about the Flash, so i didn't need to tell them. I was keep looking outside, but then i got a new message from Cicada.
Cicada: " where are you?" Me: " we are going in a trip with the school, what you didn't know that?" Him: " what? you can't leave what about the deal?" Me: " what i helped you to catch him" Him: " well, i need another favor then" Me: " what?" Him: " you need to find someone for me" "cause i need his help" Me: " who?" Him: " his name is Monitor, his something like a god" Me: " fine, but you need to tell me first what i want." Him: " do it and i will"
He said and i closed my phone, cause i was going to be dizzy. I took a small nap, cause i was bored to checking all the time outside of the window. After a wile , i woke up from the sound of the bus stoping outside of a gas station. i saw some people going outside , cause we needed a break. It was already lunch time, so i went to find the girls. I sit down and join them, but i wasn't hungry so i went to talk to bizzle about Cicada.
But i couldn't find him, so i went to sit inside the bus. I sat down and went to phone, to see if i had any new message from him. I put on my headphones and started hearing music , cause i was bored.
About a minute i got a message from The Flash. The Flash: " where are you?" Me: " in a trip, to Beacon hills" Him: "great i'm coming at night" Me: " why?" Him: " cause you need me to protect you" Me: " fine but come as Barry, they can't know that meta-humans are real" Him: " okay" he said and i closed my phone. When i look up i saw that we were about to leave, so i started looking outside the view.
It was already dark outside, and i was worried that we wouldn't be able to find anything about the pages. Suddenly , we stoped outside of the hotel but they told us to stay down cause we were just taking instructions.