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I was taken aback by the oldfangled restaurant as we entered. It is one of those sheen restaurant in the 90s. The surroundings were decorated with dark wooden walls with a big table that could permit four chairs that blended with the color of the wall that were arranged in a row, the restaurant was litted with a archaic huge lamp that hung from the ceiling at the centre of the restaurant. The restaurant was filled up with people seated eating different meals in plates, they operated using
à la carte menu.
"What would you like to eat?" My aunt asked as she stood in front of the counter and picked up a menu to tick .
"I want to eat a food that has a name I have not heard before" I said.
"Be serious. Grab a menu and tick what you want. We are not eating here, so pick something packable." she ticked hers and ticked number three in the person's column, I guess she was also buying for her children.
I searched through the handwritten menu in my hand and found nothing appealing, I didn't just want to tick something I could not eat at the end of the day. I was afraid of having half cooked meat/ chicken/ frog.
"Haven't you ticked any yet?" My aunt said, she has submitted hers and waiting for the order.
"The menu is a bit clumsy. I don't know what to pick. Ah Finally!" I exclaimed as I saw the food that caught my eye. I ticked it and gave the menu to the chef at the counter.
"I never knew they had potatoes." I muttered.
"Why won't they? They still cook modern dishes. They just like the ancient lifestyle. That lady over there is the proprietor ." she said pointing to a plump young lady, giving a bill to a elderly woman.
"She is young. I was expecting an old person."
"It's her taste and guess what, she won the Americans culinary award last year. Her food is tasty and healthy. She's also humble, she doesn't discriminate. She knows me. "
"I think I need to use the toilet."
"Okay, that door at the rear end leads to the rest room, I will wait here to get our orders. Be quick. "
"Alright. I won't take long"
I followed her directions, but to my surprise, I didn't see any sign that it was a toilet, all I saw was an arrow showing the way to the cold room were they store their foods.
"I am lost" I muttered in fear. I looked back and forward and was stucked, I wanted to start going back to the main restaurant but I was stopped by the opening of a door.
"Hey! How may I help you?"
I turned around and saw a white Dude starring at me.
I managed to smile. "Please can you show me the way to the loo?" I asked politely.
"Right here" he pointed to where he came out from.
"So this is it." I said and sighed.
"Yeah. Female's own is in there too"
"Thank you" I said and I dashed off.
That single door led to a broad restroom, the males section different from the females. I eased myself and washed my hands.
I came out to face an empty hallway. I thought I wouldn't find my way. I inhaled in the scent of mixed food as I entered the restaurant.
"What an adventure" I muttered under my breathe.
"Over here Nora!" My aunt called from the table she sat .
"I almost lost my way." I said as I the chair to sit.
"Sorry. Let's go, my babies would be crying at home. It's 6:00pm already." she jingled her keys and used the exit out of the restaurant with me walking behind. We got into the car and drove home in silence.

❇️ ❇️ ❇️

"This is your home." Aunt Uwa announced."Kayla! Marvin! Your cousin is around." she called .
"Welcome Mom" Kayla said as she came out wearing her pyjamas, of course she had gotten ready for the night.
"Hello" I greeted them in excitement. After six years, I am finally seeing this tall beautiful and handsome people.
They waved."Marvin take this food to the kitchen, you can take a pack and leave the other for your sister. Take one, you heard me?" Aunt Uwa scolded.
"I did." he rolled his eyes and walked away.
"Kayla help Nora take her boxes to your room."
"Kay mum" she said and carried two of my heavy bags into the house.
"Nora, take your food pack. You can rest and eat . Be free okay, this is your home." she said and locked the car. Staying outside inhaling the hot evening air while I walked in.
I shut the door of Kayla's room and slumped on the big bed.
"Kayla did you see my handbag?" I said to her as she entered the room with my last bag.
"Here. I put it in the closet. Do you need anything?" she said and flipped her curly hair away from her face. I looked at her bright skin, she was an half-caste.
"Thank you. I will tell you if I need any. You've grown, I have missed you." I smiled.
"okay" she said and walked out of the room, shutting the door behind her. I was shocked by her response, was that all she could say. I expected to hear 'I have missed you too'. Is it that she's just being reticent. I took my phone from the bag in the closet and put it on and removed it from airplane mode.
"Thirteen missed calls!" I exclaimed, it was my dad. He had been trying to call me. I immediately dialled his number and called.
"Hello sweetie" he said from the other end.
"Dad so sorry, just got home now. Actually, I arrived in at 2:15pm, there was a delay at the airport__"
"I know. You were harrassed by the owner of Borwan Airlines."
"How did you know? Did Aunty Uwa call to tell you?"
"It's all over the news" Yuki screamed on the phone.
"Hey bro sup?" I said excited.
"Sis, I was afraid when I first saw you on TV. I thought you got into trouble by weeing in the plane. You are heroine, you saved the day!" Oghosa said.
"Nora. You did well. You are a real African, I love that. Hope it didn't spoil your day sha?"
"What news station dad. I can't wait to see my self speak"
"BBC, FOX news and __"
"AIT" Oghosa said.
"No__ you can't find AIT There, it is a Nigerian station" my dad corrected him.
"Mummy, are you in America already?" Ekina's little voice spoke.
"Princess. So sorry you didn't see me leave. How are you? What are you guys doing?"
"We just finished praying and you called us."
"Tomorrow is my exam."
"Alright. Have you revised?"
"Dad revised with me"
"okay. Ekina, Nora has to go now." My dad said.
"What's time overthere?"
"11pm. You?"
"5 pm"
"Wow! Big difference in time. You guys say bye. They have to sleep."
"How come you people are still awake by this time?"
"Church closed 12pm as usual, I made sure they had their siesta by 2pm, by four I woke them up to read still eight. It was Yuki who delayed us."
"Yuki the bookwarm. Bye. I miss you. Don't worry next time we'll do video call. I'll show you Kayla, Marvin and Aunt Uwa."
"Hope they're doing fine? Greet their dad for me."
"Bye" My siblings chorused.
"Okay. Bye" I kissed the phone and hung up.
I took out my toiletries and went to the bathroom, it was big. One of those you'll see them soak themselves in for hours. White and flawless with all the toiletries available ,spare ones. I could probably keep mine but I desire to use mine and not theirs 'cause it's bad habit, I wasn't asked to use it. It's considered as stealing.
I soaked my self in warm water and meditated. Dad last statement struck me
'Greet their dad for me.'
Where is thier dad? I never even noticed.

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