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"Cali, Keithie, Greggie, help Rita with the bags." Dad said as he parked the car "Not gonna happen." I gave him a sly smile before walking out of the car

Mom examine the lake house "It's cute. It'll do for one night." Mom spoke "Yeah, you can handle it?" Dad questioned as we walked up to the porch, Becky spotted something "Daddy, what is that machine doing?"

"It's getting rid of the moths, honey." Dad answered "Where's it taking them?"

"Hell." Marcus answered "Don't say that, Higgins." Dad warned "I'm sorry. Not he'll, Mexico." He joked "No, i-it's giving them electricity so the moths fall asleep electrically." Dad explained "Its electrocuting them?" Becky frowns

"No, no, no."

"But, Daddy, they're dying."

"It's killing them?"

"No." "Daddy, No!"

Dad turned the machine off to stop Becky from throwing a tantrum "They're all alright, I promise you." he took a moth throwing it in the air as it lands at the floor "Whee!"

"He's still sleeping."

"It's dead, Dad." I spoke earning a pinch from Mom "Ow." I wince "It's pretty much dead." Greggie added getting the same pinch from mom "Ooh! A porch swing." Mama Ronzoni cheered walking towards the swing, pusbing Keithie out of the way, as she accidentally step on the moth

"Now, he's dead."

"Welcome back to 1978, everybody. The lake house." Rob opened the doors

"Is this like an outward bound thing, Dad?" Greggie spoke "I mean, it's like an episode of Lost." "One day? I don't think I can handle this." I sighed

"So listen, guys, who's getting what room?" Dad ask "Actually, I made a map of who gets which room." Rob took out a paper

"I took the liberty of reserving the room with the waterbed for Gloria and myself." Rob said "Ooh!"

"You're gonna do the backstroke tonight." Gloria giggled "Mom, can we just stay at a hotel, please." I turned to the female who gave birth to me "Come on, just one night." Dad responded

"I wanna go swimming with you guys tonight." Donna excitedly said "oh, honey, we're not really going swimming. What I mean was—"

"Oh, no, that okay. She doesn't need to know what you mean." Sally covered her daughters ears "I don't even know what you mean." Sally added "I know what she meant." Marcus gag

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒕𝒐𝒍𝒆𝒏 𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒓  - 𝑩𝒐𝒐𝒌 1 Where stories live. Discover now