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I made my way towards the living room, my idiots of brothers won't lower the goddamn volume of their video game "Can you lower the volume!" I yelled "Someone's grumpy." Gregg joked as I grab the remote ignoring their complains, I push the minus button. I took a seat beside Keithie, I scroll down Instagram seeing the post of my so called friends in Bahamas. I can't wait to go to Milan. I been modelling for years now especially for my mom's fashion line, and different designers now have made a contact with me to be the ambassador of their clothing

Dad keep yelling on his phone talking with a colleague of his, but he soon ended the call "Whats up, guys." Dad sat down the sofa with a box of old game "Greggie, Keithie, Cali ever heard of a game called shoots and ladder." He continues with explaining the whole game "Yeah, and what happens?the winner gets a training bra?" Gregg chuckled "Yeah, Dad, that game sounds like it sucks." Keithie added glancing at his father "Oh yeah, I saw that in my school, the losers play it during class."

"No, I'm telling you, this was the great game. Me and my buddies would play it on a winter day. We'd go down in the basement, drink hot chocolate." Dad puts down the board "I wouldn't mine a hot chocolate right now." Kiethie pointed out "Hey, Rita!" Keithie exclaimed "Rita!"

"You gotta text her. She's doing laundry." I said before going back to my phone as the other home phone started ringing "Hey, Dad, we were at the Spielberg's house yesterday." Gregg started, meanwhile, Keithie took out his phone "Oh, and can you tell her to make me some tea too." I nudge my younger brother "They have a 150-inch Tv. Can we get one of those?" Gregg questioned still focus on his game "When you direct E.T. I'll get one of those."

Beg for mercy

Dad glances at the game playing on the Tv "What is the object here? I don't get it." Dad frowns as he examine the violent killing taking place in the game "You're on a cruise ship a-and you chop people's head off with a chain saw?" He questioned, his eyes shifted to his sons "oh, and you can drown them." Keithie looked up from his phone

"Oh, you can drown them. Okay, now I get it." Dad quietly clasps his hand together "Can somebody answer the phone?" The phone keeps ringing "Maybe I should get some chamomile for my throat too." Keithie snaps his fingers

"Stop texting the nanny. You know how gross that is for a kid to text his nanny? Just go walk down the hallway."

"It's just texting. You text everybody." I rolled my eyes "I text people for my job so I can make money to pay your texting."

"Okay, I got everything for you, guys." Rita walked in with a tray of drinks in her hand "Finally." I scoff "Who was that on the phone, Rita?" Dad questioned "I'm sorry, Mr. Feder, I don't know. Becky answered." Rita explained as she hands us our drink "Okay, okay. Thanks for making that."

"Oh, my god, Rita. This isn't Godiva. What are you, trying to poison me!"  Gregg complains putting the cup back the tray "And you got me the wrong tea."

"Good lord, go back to texting." Dad stood up up "I don't ever wanna hear that out loud again." But as soon as he stood up, his eyes watched as the car is in the backyard, crashing at the patio "What the heck's going on out there?"

"Oh, my god." Everyone ran outside as Becky exited the car running towards Dad "I didn't mean to. It was an accident." Becky explained "I don't care. Are you alright? What the heck were you doing?" Dad ask "I was trying to use the Navy."

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒕𝒐𝒍𝒆𝒏 𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒓  - 𝑩𝒐𝒐𝒌 1 Where stories live. Discover now