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I laid down the picnic blanket with the papers scattered around "Why are your drawings out?" Mom frown walking towards me "I have to finish them after the holidays." I explained "Why?"

"Columbia University wants to see my art." I smiled turning to face her "What!" Mom grin "Honey, that's awesome." Mom sat down beside me "I also applied in UCLA to be closer at home."

"They will absolutely love it." Mom proudly smiled "Don't be too proud yet, they still haven't accepted me." I chuckled "Knowing you, who is smart, and an overachiever they will want you in their school."


After a while, I finally finish up, I took off my shorts and tank top to expose my bikini "I been looking for you." Shawn smiled wrapping his arms around my waist "I was hiding from you." I smiled "Come on, let's go wakeboarding." Shawn pulled me towards the motorboat

"Ladies first."

"Why?" "Are you scared to go?" I tease "No." Shawn scoff "Then you go first and I'll drive the boat." I said "No, that's what I'm scared of."

"I won't kill you." I playfully rolled my eyes as I climbed on the boat "Get on the board." I smirk "Why am I allowing this."


"Those aren't even my best works yet." The dads and Higgins walked in the court with their new uniform while the Moms and Rita had a cheerleader outfit on "That is one of my best work." I smirk

After a few bickering between the adults they finally agreed to get a rematch "These uniform would have look amazing on you." Sally smiled "Yeah well, you know, it's your guys time to shine." I responded, but to be honest I just didn't want to be a cheerleader with Moms

The game started and a few rounds later, Dad's team is on the lead but it seems Bailey wouldn't really give up about accusing Dad with cheating

"What am I doing with my life?" "I'm watching old people trying to play basketball." I chuckled

After a while they all gave up, Eric was first, he pretended to have an injury with the other guy from the other team but Bailey and Dad stood at the court

"What do you say we, uh, bring my son and daughter and your son and daughter into this?" Dad glances at me and Gregg "Done." Bailey exclaimed

"Greggie, Kali." Dad called as we both walked up to them while the females cheered "Hey, Bailey, Olivia."

"And, hey, somebody fill up that jug with some Boss water, for the Hollywood kids." Bailey insulted or tried to "It's Voss, with a V." Gregg frowns

"Ooh-hoo!" The smaller Bailey taunted "Try to at least fix your pronunciation, for everyone's sake."

As expected when the game started our team is on the lead, I perfectly shot a three points as everyone cheered

Everyone saw when Bailey shot the three point he stepped on the line but he denied it as Dad just let it be

It was the last shot, if Dad gets this in we win and if he doesn't we lose, everyone was cheering for him, Dad looked around him, he glances between me and Gregg, as I block Olivia's way waiting for him to take that shot

"Bank's open, Dad!"

As Dad threw the ball in the air towards the basket, it didn't go in which means the Bailey has won "Are you fucking kidding me." I frown knowing Dad never miss a shot like that

"Sorry, Dad. We'll crush them next year. I'll work on my left when we get back to L.A." Gregg said as Dad hugs him


We all sat down by the lake as we watch the fireworks pops in the dark sky, I lie down on Shawn's chest getting a nice view "Shawn." I pause as he hums in responds "Let's go on a date before the summer ends."

"I already planned something for us." He smiled kissing the top of my head, it was peaceful and a happy moment until Higgins wanting to play the arrow roulette causing everyone to ran in fear

" He smiled kissing the top of my head, it was peaceful and a happy moment until Higgins wanting to play the arrow roulette causing everyone to ran in fear

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@cali.feder : Something good came out of my stolen summer.
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@mckenzieShawn : Mi corazón.

Book two

Summer Loving
Grown ups 2

Summer Loving Grown ups 2

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