Some Truths to be Known

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Shana pushed away Ali trying to escape but Ali grabbed her hand and made her turn towards him. With a puppy face he asked sadly,"You don't like me right? That's why everytime I get near you... you try to escape right?"

Ali kneeled down a bit to match Shana's eyes and looked straight into her eyes. As if trying to find the answer. There wasn't that teasing smile but a faint one which is searching for hope.

Shana remained silent as its true she doesn't have any romantic feeling for him... but that doesn't mean she feels nothing.

Rather than saying a yes or no answer. Shana replied,"I'm happy when you are around..." the utmost truth was revealed... Ali giggled and calmly told her,"Tomorrow I'm going to the battle... this is my first battle without Abba Huzur's guidance... wish me luck"

Shana got shocked... as if a sharp pain ran through her heart. She looked straight into his eyes and said,"Allah may fetch you victory..."

Ali took her hand in his and kissed her hands.

The next day Ali went to the war. Shana couldn't muster enough guts to see him off and just peeked at him from far afar.

It's been six months since she last saw Ali. She everyday unconsciously prayed for his well being, but could never understand why...

It was once that she was strolling in the garden when a woman called her,"Are you Shana?"

Shana turned back to witness a gorgeous, pale but strong and prideful lady standing behind her.

Shana nodded in agreement. Then the lady said,"Nice to meet you. I'm the fourth Begum of Shehenshah and the Empress Anika."

Shana immediately bowed infront of her and gave her greetings properly.

"Oh it's fine dear... I'm here to talk something bout Ali..."

Shana realised that Ali is none other but the Empress' son. She with a nervous tone timidly spoke,"She-Shehzade A-Ali...?"

"Yes. Ali talks a lot bout you nowadays and I realised he has found something really interesting in you."

Shana remained silent. So the Empress continued...

"And hence, you should know what kinda man he is before taking any step. You should know some truths..."

She took Shana with her to one of the royal halls and there was a beautiful room decorated with flowers. There she saw prince Aman sitting by the bedside. And on the bed, there was lying a living corpse of a forever beauty.

"That girl lying over there is no one but Aman's lover. He decided to marry her... but now she is just a living corpse... because of..."

"...because of...?"

"Because of my son Ali..."

There was silence that prevailed between them... not a single lip moved, but hearts moved. As if broken and not ready to believe it. Shana couldn't believe a single word... but that was the truth to be accepted.

To be continued...

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