He Isn't Just A Monster

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- This one might be a bit shorter than usual, just a heads up (^_^') -

We finally got back from the island with the huge gun on it, Ryley went in it earlier and took a look around in it, when I was finding the resources to finally make a tool to get that make shift metal spear out of Reapers poor face.

Ryley was just going to making other necessity tools, such as a habitat builder, a scanner, flashlight, survival knife. The usual, you should know that since your reading this. But while he was missing a few resources for one of the tools, I got right to work on the laser cutter.

While it was being constructed, I noticed that the radio was blinking, meaning it has a message waiting to be answered. We could receive other messages, but we couldn't send them. The message sender in the position was broken for a weird reason.

I walked over to the radio, once the laser cutter was finally constructed, and played the incoming message. "Playing partially translated broadcast: ______ Nine new biological subject designated. Mode _______ hunting/analyzing. Sharing subject locations with other agents." I back away from the radio, now terrifyed.

What, or who in the bloody world was that... I thought about it, it could have been Warpers, or some other alien life. I don't know! It put me on insane edge though. I tried calming down, witch did work, and I felt the pod get lightly bumped. Must have been Reaper, he's the only one who could. I climed down the lower hatch and into the water. Where Reaper waited the metal about to leave his poor face.

"Hey buddy, shall we finally get this out of your poor face?" I said, he nodded, and roared in rejoice. I could easily see her was happy, but that happyness might be replt by pain shortly. I put my fingers together to make a head, and opened them, like a jaw. Reaper understood, and opened his jaws wide, I slowly swam close to the metal logged in his mouth, and started cutting it. Eventually the metal was split into two parts, now it was just the madder of getting them out.

I swam to the right side of his face where the metal was in his face, right above his top jaw, and under his smaller eye. I grabbed a hold of it, and tried pulling it, but with my strength alone I couldn't pull it. Reaper roared in pain clearly, and he pulled his head back, while I still had a grip of the metal. Resulting in the metal becomeing free from his face. The top part anyway. Now it was the madder of getting the lower part out that's sticking out of his bottom jaw.

"Whoa, whoa whoa Reaper! Its ok, its ok, calm down..." I said, grabbing a hold of one of his pincers. As he swam around like crazy. Soon enough, he calmed down, but I noticed he was bleeding a yellowish substance. Must be his blood, I quickly went to the life pod, and grabbed a medicine kit, and quickly bandaged Reapers wound. "Its alright buddy, its alright." I told him, he was finally calm, and now bandaged.

Now for the lower part, I grabbed a hold of it, and nodded at Reaper, I pulled as much as I could while Reaper yanked his head away from the metal, which actually work, and set Reaper back into panic and pain. I did what I did, and now he was free from those metal bars. I rubbed the rob of his head, right behind his horn. As he rubbed his head agains my smaller body.

I then herd a mechanical whirling, I looked over and I saw Ryley in a Seamoth. He drove up, and exit the vehicle. "Well I don't mean to be harsh, but I prefer a Seamoth than Reaper. No offense." He said, swimming up to us, "I see you got the metal bars out of his face?" In response, Reaper nodded at Ryley. Which surprised both me and him, I guess he is understanding us now.

"Well... Nice to know, must feel nice. If you know, monsters feel anything." Ryley said, "Hey!" Reaper roard at them at the same time. "He is not a monster, if he was we wouldnt be swimming here." I told Ryley, as Reaper growled at him, not taking it lightly. "Ok, ok I'm sorry, its just I've encountered ones just like him, but they aren't friendly. Not like him, I'm still wondering how you did it." Ryley said, "I just fed him a Peeper, and then were friends, try it on something and you might just get a friend." I told him.

"Well... Besides that, I also managed to make some Radiation suits so we can go in the Aurora and fix it." He said, giving me on. "And just saying, that radiation can harm wild life if it keeps leaking, so we might want to hurry." He said, getting in the Seamoth. "I'll meet you there, see ya there!" He said, already going off. Reaper, only make a sad sounding growl, hearing Ryley call him a monster probably affected him.

I rubbed the back of his horn again, "Don't worry about Ryley Reaper, I don't think your a monster. If you were, you wouldn't let help you, or save me from those Warpers. Your my closes friend, other than Ryley, even though your a leviathan." I told him, he gave ma a somewhat smile. And he lowered his head, wanting me to get on, I did as he wanted, and we we're heading for the Aurora, and not too far in front was Ryley in his Seamoth.

I guess it wouldn't hurt to look around the ship to find some things to use to decorate the habitat, if we build one. But I'm just glad we got the metal out of Reapers face. I'm pretty sure he's happy too. I could hear it in his roar. I just wished Ryley could get use to Reaper quicker. One day he will.

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