The Aurora

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-Sorry that I haven't updated in so long, but I kinda just slacked off on Subnautica. But I'm giving it to you now at least. This chapter isn't going to have much dialog just to let you know. -

We finally got to the Aurora, passing a few other Reapers down below us, but thankfully, they took no notice of us as we reached a platform to get onto the constantly shaking space ship.

We made our way over to an entrance that wasn't burning. Walking through a double split path way, one too the Administration, and the other to the 3rd Cargo bay. "Well... Isn't that our luck, the Cargo Bay entrance is blocked off." Ryley said, I looked over and saw crates, and benches blocking the way in.

"Well besides that, at least Administration is open just, well you know.... On fire... But hey at least we got a PDA." I told him picking up the abandon PDA.

He took it out of my hands and found a form open on it, and with out question he began listing to it. Something about propoltion cannons, or something.

Leaving me bored, standing there, I however took his fire extinguisher, and put out the Administrations door our.

I looked around the small, empty, destroyed room, finding another PDA, a data terminal, and a Prawn suit on land poster.

I took both the PDAs, downloaded the data, and took the poster. You know, if Ryley ever finds a spot to call home, temporarily. I could use it to make the base more... Homely, kinda.

Once I returned, Ryley was nowhere to be seen. "Ryely?" I called his name out, wondering where he wondered off to.

"Ryely?!" I shouted this time, I soon herd footsteps, and he poked his head out of the rubbel of the crates, and benches.

"Don't worry Y/n, I'm right here don't worry." He said, a smug grin on his face, "Unless you actually do love me~" He said in a baby voice, giving me a kissy face, putting both his hands on his cheeks.

I looked at him in disgust, "Bleh! Yeah right, in your dreams hot shot." I said playfully, slaping in the face.

"Ow.... Well anyway I found a better way to get past through this rubble. Just clime on the broken frame, and jump over the crates, it's how I got back here." He said, point to the broken, leaning, and inflamed frame of the Aurora was.

"Just, make sure you don't get too close to the fire." He said, warning me of the hot blazes. Like any normal, same person would do. But am I truly sane?

I climbed, and jump making the land unharmed. Apparently I am not a normal, same person after all, plus not needing a propultion cannon, witch neither of us have.

But that was a better way of getting over the blockage. Now we were walking to a locked door, seemed to require a pass code. Then I thought about one of the PDAs, one mention something about pass codes.

I pulled it out and typed 1454 on the pad. Ryely opening the door, as we begin walking into the cargo bay. Many knocked over cargo crates, and equipment were tipped over, or on fire.

We scavenged around, finding loads of water, nutrient blocks, and med kits, batteries, and another PDA.

We walked carefully down the lift that was under water, not really a surprise. Considering the whole planet might as well be nothing but water, so swimming it was.

Swimming to the Seamoth bay first. Ryely, already using the repair tool and again opening the door. Finding Seamoth parts, modules we gladly took, and little pesky Bleeders. Witch were trying to grab onto our arms, only to be cut with our knives.

Next, we went to the Prawn Bay, and Locker Rooms. Well I did, Ryely went to the Drive Room, to repair the radiation leakage.

The door needing to be cut, witch thankfully due to a certain promise to a certain leviathan. I have just the tool, taking a while but soon successfully cutting the door down, as we entered.

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