Chapter- 7 Meet him

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3rd POV:

Jimin approached taehyung with yoongi and said "Taehyung this is yoongi and yoongi this is my tae bear."

"Hi taehyung, it's nice to meet you." yoongi said slightly smiling, he stared at the boy and he thought he surely grew up a lot, his thoughts were shaken when taehyung replied.

"Hi hyung, it's nice to meet u too." Taehyung said flashing his boxy smile, he felt that he has seen him before but where?

"Uh tae, if you don't mind i'm going with yoongi, take care of yourself. I'll pick you up before leaving, okay? " Jimin said hurriedly and took yoongi by his hand and ran off into the crowd before letting taehyung say anything.

"okay..?" taehyung says confused and then realized that jimin left him all alone.

He panics and tries to search for jimin but he was no where to be found.

He sighs in defeat and sat near the bar lonely.


"That was so awkward." yoongi says, looking back at the crowd. People were going wild, most of them were just paid actors

"i know but i didn't know how to leave him there." jimin explains, he knew taehyung might be mad at him for leaving him but it had to be done.

"We've done our work, it's ur turn now kook" yoongi says through the ear piece.

"Okay, jungkook you know what to do right?" namjoon asks.

"Yeah hyung, is everything ready?" jungkook asks while trying to calm himself, he was so nervous he was gonna meet him.

"hmm yeah, just be ready for ur role." namjoon says, hoping nothing would go wrong.


3rd POV;

30 minutes has passed since jimin left taehyung, taehyung was sitting bored and wanted to get out of the party as soon as possible but didn't want to leave without jimin, so here he is just sitting and sipping a glass of normal soda.
Soon he gets even more bored and decides to walk through the club trying to find something interesting but is pushed onto the dance floor due to the crowd.

Taehyung suddenly feels suffocated and tries to get out of the crowd, he was in a tight space. He hated it so much, he wanted to leave.

Suddenly all the lights go out and taehyung think he's gonna pass out.

He feels the crowd moving in the dark and that makes him try to move but is still stuck in the crowd.

He suddenly hears a scream saying "THE DISCO LIGHT!"

Before he could react to it someone pushes him and he falls down, followed by a crash and a loud groan.

"what the fu----" before he could complete his sentence, the lights come on and he sees a familiar stranger lying on the ground. does he knows him?

Suddenly his head starts to hurt and tears flow down unknowingly.

Everyone there gasps and shouts for the ambulance, but taehyung can't seem to see or hear anyone except that beautiful stranger lying in his pool of blood.

He falls on his knees, tears falling down, this unknown yet-- familiar ache in his heart, like he lost someone who he dearly loves.

He gently touches his face like he'll break and sobs loudly, he feels pain in his heart but can't understand why.

Hearing his sobs, the crowd present in the party goes silent, his friends are watching him and know why he is crying and unknowingly tears form in their eyes.

The next word he says, shocks everyone including himself.

"kookie.." he says and sobs loudly.

Then according to the plan the fake ambulance is on the way.

Taehyung himself don't know-- don't know why his body, his heart, his mind is reacting this way as he continues to cry hiding himself in jungkooks neck.

"kookie jungkookie please don't leave me, please hang on, i love you kook" Taehyung himself unknown to this-- this type of feeling, pain says words only his heart can understand. He doesn't knows what he is saying, it's just a automatic response.

it's like he--- he knows him but yet is so unfamiliar to this stranger who feels like he is so important like-- he means the world to him.

His friends who is watching and listening his words are shocked and happy to see taehyung remembering the certain someone who is lying in fake blood.

The certain someone who taehyung is crying for feels the pain, this kind of euphoric feeling cause this is the feeling he has been waiting for.

And soon the fake ambulance arrives and the fake nurses take jungkook with them.

And taehyung feels his body aching and soon he faints with his mind clouded by a certain someone.

soo..yeah, the story line is might be confusing but will be explained in other chapters.

See you later, my imaginary readers °◆°

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