Chapter 1

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"Get back here!" He yelled.

My father was always a tempered man. After living with him so long I just learned to keep my mouth shut and stay clear of his path. Well I at least tried to. Some days. Like today was especially harder.

"I'm going to be late for school" I shouted back at him as I stormed out the front door.

Walking to school was always something I enjoyed doing. It gave me my time away from the chaos. Time to calm down after the unbelievable mornings with that man. Except on the day's it rains. Showing up to West Cortez Highschool in my soaked uniform was not ideal. Luckily it doesn't rain to often.

I pulled my phone from my coat pocket to check the time. 7:14am it appeared on the bright screen. Classes start at 7:45. That will give me time to stop by my locker and pick up my things I need for my classes and then still have time to pick up a apple cinnamon muffin from the cafeteria. I always try and grab breakfast from school, I didn't have much food back at home.

It was my first day of Freshman year. I didn't know what to expect. I was just going to keep my head low and stay to myself.

Heading over to the school cafeteria. I walked into the room filled with other kids, everyone in separate groups carrying on there own conversations. I squeezed my way into the crowd. Grabbing the last apple cinnamon muffin. I walked up to the line, waiting for it to pass. As I stood there I noticed a tall figure talking to the cafeteria worker. He was just a couple spots in front of me.

I overheard the cafeteria worker. "Teacher discount sir." I couldn't recognize who it was as I could only see the back of his head, but it didn't matter. Patiently waiting I finally made it to the front of the line. I only had 50 cents for the muffin. I handed it to the lady and made my way to first period.

I walked into the room half full with other students. Most students I haven't seen before. I made my way to my desk and sat down. Opening my notebook.


"And class dismissed" Ms. Paulson hollered out.

The rest of my classes seemed to fly by so fast. The faster time went by the more anxious I got. Once school was over for the day that just meant I had to go back home. The anticipation was killing me. I never knew what type of mood my father would be in and considering the events that took place this morning it gave me a bad feeling in my stomach. Though before the final class of the day, it was lunch time. I though of sitting with an old friend from last year but I guess the time between middle school and highschool, people tend to grow apart. Plus she was surrounded by her new friends. I sat in the back of the room eating a sandwich I had packed the night before in a brown paper bag.

I finished up and made my way to room 06 for Advanced English, I was excited to be in able class full of smarter kids.

"What at you looking at faggot" a random kid sitting next to me said. I just ignored her and pulled out a notebook and pen for the period.

"Good evening class" the man said. "I'm Mr. Wilson, I will be your English teacher for this year"

I looked up at the man as I placed my pen down on the desk. Wait a second? This man sounded familiar but I couldn't figured out how.

"This semester we will be learning about Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird. Who here would like to get out of the first pop quiz" he said leaning against the front of his desk.

Everyone in the classroom raised there hand.

"I'm shocked" Mr. Wilson said sarcastically. "Well you can skip the quiz if you can tell me which aurther invented the paperback book..anyone? He was british" Mr. Wilson began to roam to the left side of the room. "In fact at the end of the third chapter of his first novel he had a man hanging from a cliff by his fingernails, hence the term "cliffhanger." The room full of students was silent as found himself at the back of the class. "Anybody?"

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