Chapter 2- is it love?

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We stepped inside, and made our way upstairs to his room. He had a big room too.

" so ahh.. What's your name?"

I asked him. He faced me and said " sam, what's yours?" I simply replied with " Kiana "

" beautiful name (: "

I blushed. Sam got the bed ready, it was a queen sized one. He made it for me, and he set up on the floor.

" what are you doing? " I ask.

" sleeping on the floor. ? " he replied.

" get up here, sleep here. " I told him.

" No, it's your bed for the night. "

" Sam, get up here, I don't use up that much room. " I convinced him.

He just smiled and moved his stuff up next to me. I was glad, I didn't wanna sleep by myself. He got comfortable by Puting his arm around me, I just smiled and dozed off, for the second time tonight. I wake up to his breathing, its not loud, but cute and soft. His arm was still around me. I turned rolled over and faced him. I kissed his cheek, causing him to wake up with a massive smile on his face.

" someone's happy! " I said to him.

His eyes Locked into mine, this was the moment, we kissed. We stayed like that for a good 5 seconds, then released. We just smiled at eachother. What a special moment.

" hey, wanna hang out today? Maybe go to Starbucks? " he asked with anothe one of his sexy smiles.

" yeah sure! What time? "

" now? "

" okay, I just gonna run home and get a change of clothes. And pack a bag of other stuff. "

" okay, I'll come with and help (: "

We left and snuck into my house, luckily I still had my key. Mum and dad were still sleeping, thank god!

We collected my things and shoved them in a bag. Sam sat on my bed and played with his phone. I jumped in the shower, getting refreshed. I got out, blow dried my hair and straightened it. I put on my beanie, shorts, tanktop, my blue toms and did my makeup, just mascara, eyeliner and light blue eyeshadow, the natural look. I entered my room and sam just stared at me in astonishment. He was already ready so I grabbed my bag and stuff and dropped it off at his house. Then we walked to Starbucks. We sat down and the waiter came over.

" hello, I'm Scarlet, what would you like today? " she flashed a smile, ready to write down our order.

" can I please get a chocolate milkshake, and this young lady will get a- "

I cut him off. " a vanilla milkshake. "

" no problem, I will be back shortly with your order. " she flashed another smile and walked away. I notice her eyeing sam, I got a bit self conscious. I looked down at my lap.

" I don't like her, it's okay, don't be jealous. " Sam said with another one of his gorgeous smiles.

I Lifted my head up and gave him a smile back. She came back with our order and we just sat there and talked. By the time we had finished, we got up, paid and then went for a walk. We ended up at the beach. God, it was simply amazing, we just sat in the sand, the sun shining, wind gushing out faces. It was nice. I looked at him, kinda checking him out. He must of realized because he looked back, we we gazing into eachothers eyes again, and then it happened. His lips crashed into mine. It was so romantic. A phone vibrated, I checked mine but it was his. He got a text from one of his friends. He read it.

" hey, there's a party tonight down at my friend Kians house, would you wanna go?"

" yeah, I've met Kian, he lives down the street from me. Wait..." I paused. " are you asking me out on a date? "

" yeah, so whatdoya say, "

" I'd say, I'd love to go with you. " I gave him a smile, and he gave me a kiss, yes, another one. I kissed him back, then blushed a little.

" if we go back to my house now, we can get ready and Jc will pick us up later with his girlfriend Chloe. " he said.

" sure (: " we got up and walked back to his place. On the way, there was some talk.

" so have you met Jc yet? "

He asked.

" yeah, he was there when I met Kian, nice kid (: " I replied back.

As we continued walking, he 'accidentally' touched my hand and entwined it with mine. Gosh, he's so cute. I think I was falling for him. I hope so. Maybe he liked me too. Kiana, don't get your hopes up. I thought to myself. We made it back, and went inside. There, we got ready. I redid my makeup and stuff while he got changed. He tore off his shirt. I swear to god, he was ripped. His body was perfect. Abs, biceps, what more could a girl want. I was staring, hoping I wasn't staring awkwardly. My eyes just went up and down, checking him out. He must've realized I was because he said

" see something you like? " he asked, bringing me back to reality.

" in your dreams " I teased.

I heard a honk and guessed it was Jc and Chloe. We made our way, downstairs and out the house. We hopped in the car, it was quiet at first but I decided to break the awkward silence by introducing myself to Chloe. She was really pretty. She had long brown hair, brown eyes and had her own original style. Not in a weird way. She was stunning. I think we just clicked because we seemed to be hitting it off okay. We arrived at Kians place. It was a massive party, there was really loud music and everything. We opened the door and to my surprise, there was a good hundred people there. I was expecting less. There was no special occasion or anything, it was just a MASSIVE get together. Sam stood at the door, he turned and faced me.

" Kiana, will you be my girlfriend? "

i liked him alot and now i knew he liked me back. I chose an answer,

" Sam, i would love to e your girlfriend! (: " we hugged and kissed. everyone aw'd. I made my way around with sam, indroducing my self. There was this one girl, who kept death staring me the whole night. She looked very familiar. Then I remembered, it was...


Ooohhh... Mysterious girl, how creepy. so uhmm.. Sorry this chapter was short. Yeah, next chapter will be up soon (: xx



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