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it's rare for wei ying to have a cold, so his husband needs to find a way to take care of him.

just yesterday lan zhan had asked his lover about his coughing, but the other had just brushed it off, insisting on going night hunting together. now they were here, in the early morning, in bed. lan zhan had awoken earlier, as usual and immediately frowned upon seeing his dearest pale face. wei ying was still fast asleep, though the sweat drops on his forehead told his husband how uncomfortable he must be. lan zhan quickly checked wei ying's temperature and noticed how hot his forehead was. he sighed in worry and disappointment before getting up to fetch his smaller lover some tea for his certainly hurting throat. 

wei ying woke up with an aching headache and a feeling as if his chest was about to explode. sneering in annoyance because he recognized the symptoms, he buried his head deep in the cushions, not daring to open his eyes to avoid worsening his buzzing headache. he concentrated his thoughts away from the pain and onto his breaths, only to notice that the more steady ones of his husband weren't present. that wasn't that much of a surprise, but he still felt sulky, for this was one of the rare moments, that he'd love to just snuggle up into lan zhan's arms, with the older maybe allowing it. now he didn't even get the chance to whine to his love and ask him with doe eyes to stay with him. almost drifting back to sleep after a few minutes, he heard the soft, almost fully silent footsteps that he knew so well. this time it seemed as if the steps were done even more carefully as if the person knew not to disturb his sleep. 

wei ying smiled unconsciously, once again grateful for his husband's thoughtfulness. he felt the mattress sink a little bit when lan zhan sat down next to him. the taller pushed away his hair from his sweaty neck and laid his cooling hand on it. wei ying instantly relaxed into the touch, his skin soaking up the chilly touch. "wei ying." he heard his husband's calm voice, the only sound that didn't send daggers through his skull. "i brought you some tea and medicine. take it, you can go back to sleep later." wei ying contemplated ignoring the request, but he knew that lan zhan wouldn't take a no in this situation. he was very persistent when it came to his lover's health. groaning, wei ying pushed his torso up on his elbow and turned towards his husband. he let his long, black hair hang in front of his face, since he didn't want the taller to look at his sick face. he must look horrible right now. again, lan zhan softly pushed the strands of hair away and used a wet cloth to dab the few sweat drops from his temple. "why are you hiding, love?" he chuckled soothingly, "you think this is the worst i've ever seen you?" 

the smaller man pushed his bottom lip out in an exaggerated pout and lan zhan really had to restrain himself from kissing those soft, plush lips. he didn't want to be knocked out in bed while wei ying needed to be taken care of, so he settled for a chaste peck on the younger's temple. afterwards, wei ying's face seemed to have gained back some color and he drank the tea and the medicine without another complaint. "lan zhan?" he asked with a hoarse voice. lan zhan softly hummed in response, "'m sorry that i didn't listen to you yesterday and wanted to join. now i'm a burden, aren't i?" 

lan zhan only smiled the tiny smile of his while shaking his head. "lan zhan?" wei ying asked again, a lot more timid this time. his lover looked up from refilling the cup in concern. wei ying didn't meet his glance. "c-can we stay in bed today?" his at other times with confidence overflowing appearance seemed to have shrunk to a sad little puddle. lan zhan frowned the second time that morning, he really didn't like this insecure look on his darling. "of course, wei ying. you should only rest today, so you can heal quickly. i will send some people to look after you every few hours and i will be around more often too, obviously." 

wei ying shook his head. "that's not what i meant. i was, i was wondering whether the both of us could stay here today, let the duties rest for once." finally looking up, he had a hopeful glimpse in his dark eyes. who was lan zhan to crash that hope? without another comment, he lifted up the tray and placed it on the bedside stand. then he lifted the covers and quietly slide in again, next to his lover: "no kisses, understood?" 

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